We would like to warmly welcome you to Lunar Class. Miss Berrington and Miss Vaughan are very excited to be teaching together again this year. Miss Berrington will teach Monday to Wednesday morning. Miss Vaughan will then complete the week with the children. We cannot wait to get started!
Like Miss B, I love music. Unlike her, I cannot sing - so fortunately for everyone, I rarely grace the children with my voice in class! I am Welsh and love returning to green grass and mountains, so I spend most of my holidays in rainy Merthyr Tydfil . I really enjoy teaching Science, Spanish and DT and am lucky enough to take the children swimming this year, which is a real highlight for me. I am really looking forward to getting to know all the members of Lunar class, and can be reached on class dojo or at
Miss B would like to think herself as a bit of a music expert...he he he. I love music and collect vinyl so any opportunity we get to sing in class- we will. I am also a huge DCFC fan and like to catch up with the football news on a Monday morning. We started off last year in League One and now we are back in the Championship! I have a great feeling about this year... My favourite subjects to teach are history and English. My mantra for our class will be: Your best is always good enough! Please contact me through class dojo, or at: lberrington@dovedale.derbyshshire.sch.uk
Keep an eye on class news, we will be adding bits and bobs throughout the year...
30.08.24: Our class assembly will be on Thursday 23rd January 2025.
We will let you know when we can about which days our PE slots will be on. We will also let you know about swimming. We will send a dojo as soon as we have the information and update this section of our page.
Homework will be set on a weekly basis. It usually alternates between a mathematics activity, mymaths for example, and an English activity, spag.com for example. Sometimes we may set a paper based activity, which we will give plenty of notice for. If you need a computer based activity printing out, please let me know via dojo and we can do that for you.
We expect ALL children, EVERY week to learn their spellings in preparation for their weekly test. Times tables MUST be learnt and time spent on TT rock stars is a must.
Finally, we encourage children to read as much as possible at home, both to themselves and to their parents. Reading at home is vital to compliment and reinforce what we are doing in school. We reward children with merits for 3 reads a week.
We will set the spellings on spelling shed each week. There will be occasions when children choose words from the year 5 /6 list whereby spellings will not be put online to learn. We expect spellings to be learnt, although it doesn't have to be on Spelling Shed. We always aim for the whole class to achieve full marks- we love to celebrate when we do!