Attendance Matters!
Attendance Policy
Please see the attendance policy in the policy section of our website.
Our view on attendance
Dovedale Primary School follows the Derbyshire County Council attendance protocol. All pupils are expected to achieve at least 96% (or above) attendance over an academic year. The DFE (Department for Education) now class any child with less than 90% attendance as a persistent absentee (19 school days). In order to achieve 96%+ attendance - a child can not have more than 8 days off school in an academic year. If a child's attendance is below 90% during an academic school year; and if 10% or more is unauthorised - school are required to make a referral to the local authority who may issues you with a fine.
Ensuring that children receive full-time education is a legal requirement for all parents. Getting them to school regularly and on time will help them fulfil their potential. It will help your child to be happy and successful and high achievement in school is linked to good attendance. It is important to be in school each day, on time, to ensure no learning is missed.
There are 190 school days during the year, leaving 175 days for going out, holidays, seeing friends and family.
Attendance is also enhanced by being punctual to school. If the children are late and have to come through the main school entrance then this impacts their attendance percentage. For children who are more than 20 minutes late
they miss their morning registration mark and this goes down as an absence.
When to keep your child off.
On occasions, your child might feel unwell and it can be challenging to know if your child can attend school or should stay at home. Please use the following guide to help decide. Always remember to inform school on the first day of absence and every other day after this to update us about when your child should be returning to school. This can be done via telephone call or sending a DOJO to your child’s class teacher.