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School Council


Welcome to our Dovedale Parliament page! Please find information below about our Parliament and how it works.

 Our School Parliament is made up of 3 parts:   







Our House of Commons consists of children across all year groups in school. These children meet regularly to share ideas, complete projects and give the children in their constituency (class) a voice! 





The House of Lords consist of the children who were the House of Commons last year. As these children are experienced Members of Parliament, they meet to offer expertise to the House of Commons. Ideas/decisions generated by the House of Commons will be checked and challenged by the House of Lords to ensure it is feasible in our school! Our House of Lords also contains a Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister who chair meetings and will sometimes meet with the House of Commons.



Our Monarch in Parliament is Mrs Houseman! Ideas/projects generated by the House of Commons will be run past the House of Lords. The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister will then pitch these ideas to our Monarchy before implementing them in school.



All children across school get to experience Democracy first hand through our election process. Every child has the opportunity to apply to be part of the House of Lords. Children complete an application form, have the opportunity to campaign to their class, before going to the Dovedale Polling Station to vote! Children within their constituencies (their classes) receive their poll card. They take this to the Polling Station where they are given a voting card. Children then take this to a booth where they mark X's next to the children that they would like to represent their class as their MPs. This is kept confidential by placing it in the Ballot Box. The votes are then counted by our School House Captains before being announced. 


This process allows the children to learn about the roles, rights and responsibilities within the Parliament system. Children get to play an active role as citizens and it enhances their responsibility within the School community. Our pupils take pride knowing that they are making a worthwhile and positive contribution to the school.

