Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Miss Martin is the school SENCO officer and will support any children with specific needs.
Last year we ran several successful coffee and cake sessions for parents and carers to come into school and meet other parents and staff in a friendly and supportive environment to share thoughts and ideas.
Here are the dates for these sessions for this year.
SEND Policy
Our SEND Policy can be found on our Policies Page.
Our Equality & Diversity Objectives and Accessibility Plan can be accessed from our Policies Page.
SEND Information
When you open the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Report please click on power point to view the slides.
Information and documents regarding SEND in school for September 2024 - July 2025
Admissions for children with SEND
For children with additional needs you can apply for a place at Dovedale through Derbyshire County Council.
For children with an EHCP you need to apply through the Derbyshire SEND team, there is a link to this in the admissions section of our website.
Contact us
If you wish to contact us with any concerns about the support provided by our school, please contact the SENDCO or headteacher in the first instance (see Contact Details) and we will do our best to address your concerns. If you wish to raise a complaint about the support we provide, please access the One Academy Trust Complaints Policy by following the link to our One Academy Trust policies here. This explains the procedure to be followed. Alternatively please contact the school office and we will email you a copy of the policy or provide a hard copy version.
If you have concerns over the SEND support in school please speak to Mrs Houseman or Miss Martin or seek further guidance from the complaints section of the website which can be found in the concerns and complaints section of the information tab.
Thank you,
Miss Martin - SENDCo