ONE Academy Trust
On 1st September 2023, Dovedale Primary School became part of ONE Academy Trust (a merger between two local primary trusts in the East Midlands - Willows Academy Trust and Believe Academy Trust).
We are not a Derbyshire County Council school although we work closely with the Local Authority on many aspects of our responsibilities. We receive our funding directly from the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).
As part of ONE Academy Trust we share the strategic vision under the motto:
‘EveryONE Matters'
The following information can be found on the ONE Academy Trust website by clicking on the
link below:
- Financial management (annual trustees' report and audited accounts)
- Memorandum of Association
- Articles of Association
- Governance - including the names of the charity trustees and members
- Funding agreement and any supplemental funding agreements
- Details of the trust's accounting officer (Graham Boyd - CEO)
- Number of employees (and payees with off payroll arrangements) whose annual salary and benefits exceeded £100k in £10k bandings, for the previous year ended 31 August.
- ONE Academy Trust trust-wide policies
- Privacy Notices and Data Protection Information
- Gender Pay Gap Reporting
- Trade Union Facilities Time Report
- Freedom of Information Scheme
ONE Academy Trust is a charitable limited company registered in England and Wales.
Company Number: 09093035
Registered Head Office: Sawley Junior School, Wilmot Street. Long Eaton, Nottingham. NG10 3DQ
Contact details for ONE Academy Trust
General enquiries about the trust can be made by:
Email: The trust central team/CEO at or the governance coordinator (Diane Dakin) at
Tel: 0115 9733626 (via Sawley Junior School) and leave a message for the CEO or Diane Dakin
Our Chief Executive Officer can be contacted as follows:
Graham Boyd
Tel: 0115 9733626 (via Sawley Junior School)
Correspondence address:
ONE Academy Trust
c/o Sawley Junior School
Wilmot St
Long Eaton
NG10 3DQ
Chair of Board of Trustees:
Dr Pip Dean
Please contact via the clerk to the Trust Board (Diane Dakin)
The correspondence address is:
c/o Sawley Junior School, Wilmot Street. Long Eaton, Nottingham. NG10 3DQ
Chief Financial Officer:
Mr Jake Richardson
ONE Academy Trust Data Protection Officer (DPO):
SchoolPro Ltd
Contact via
If you have any queries about ONE Academy Trust, please contact