Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Concerns & Complaints

At Dovedale Primary School we welcome your feedback and suggestions. 


Our aim is always to resolve any issue raised with us as quickly, effectively and as informally as possible.  


If you are not happy about any aspect of our school, please contact the headteacher either by email, phone or in person.  If the headteacher is the subject of the complaint, you may contact the chair of the local governing body or the CEO, who will respond to your complaint (see contact details). 


If you have a concern or complaint about any aspect of our Special Educational Needs provision, please contact our Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (Miss Jo Martin) in the first instance, who will try to resolve your issue.  


Safeguarding concerns should be raised with the headteacher who is also the school's Designated Safeguarding Lead.     


The ONE Academy Trust Complaints Policy & Procedure (accessible on the ONE Academy Trust website here) explains the process.   Please contact us if you would like us to talk through the process with you or you would like a copy of the policy.  
