Welcome to our Governors' section
Welcome to our page. Here you will find out a little bit about each of us and what we do.
You can make contact with any of our school governors through the school office, leaving your contact details, and we will respond as soon as possible.
We are currently recruiting to fill vacancies that arose at the end of the summer term.
Michelle Metcalf (formerly Stevenson) (chair of governors)
I am very passionate about Dovedale School having grown up locally and attended the school myself in the 80s/90s. I have a son who used to attend the school. I have worked in adult education for over 18 years specialising in quality assurance and compliance. I use my experience in this field to enable me to support the school in its desire to continuously improve.
In my free time I love doing yoga, baking, watching movies, eating cake, country walks and meals out.
Community governor (previously parent governor)
Roles this year: Chair of Governors and Safeguarding Link Governor
Appointed: 22 March 18 Reappointed: October 21
Jo Martin
I am very much a local person, having lived in Wollaton all my life. I began my career as a teaching assistant, while working full time in a primary school I did a degree in Childhood Studies part time at Derby University. I then went on to do a PGCE, also at Derby University. I have now been teaching at Dovedale for 10 years, every year has been different but equally as enjoyable, I feel privileged to be part of the Dovedale Team.
My main hobbies are music, I love to sing and play the flute and am an active member of Music for Everyone where I help to lead youth choirs and sing in the festival chorus. I also have a rather 'lively' border terrier dog, Basil, who I enjoy walking on Wollaton Park or if time allows in the country!
Staff governor
Roles this year: TBA
Appointed: 01 Nov 18. Re-appointed 01 Nov 2022
Louise Tomlinson
I have been a teacher at Dovedale for many years and have never felt the urge to teach elsewhere when it is such a friendly, happy school allowing me to enjoy my job as much as I do.
When I’m not at work I am busy at home being a mum to my two children Jacob and Chloe. As a family we enjoy caravan holidays as often as we can. We have our own touring caravan which goes everywhere from Wales, Lake District, Devon to Scarborough and even Holland! I enjoy coastal walks and exploring new places.
Any other spare time I get means I can visit family and meet up with my friends for coffee and cake!
Staff governor
Roles this year: TBA
Appointed: 25 Nov 20
Steve Lyon
Community governor (co-opted)
Roles this year: TBA
Appointed: 05 Jan 21 Reappointed: 6 Dec 2024
Carrie Fleming
Parent governor (appointed by parents)
Roles this year: TBA
Appointed: 22 Jan 24
Jenny Smart
Parent governor (appointed by parents)
Roles this year: TBA
Appointed: 26 Jan 24