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Year 4: Miss Marriott - Galaxy

Welcome to Galaxy Class, which is made up of 30 Year 4 children. Our class teacher is Miss Marriott and our teaching assistants are Miss Ashton, Mrs Edwards and Mrs Mulnier. Every Friday, we are very lucky as Miss Ashton will be teaching during Miss Marriott's PPA (Planning, Preparation and Assessment) time.   

Alongside our Class Page, we also share information and updates on Class Dojo. Please make sure you are connected on there so that you can see what we get up to. Please feel free to send me a message on Class Dojo or via my school email which you will see below.


Please see the Powerpoint below for information about Year 4!

Important Dates:


Spring 1 dates for your diary:

  • Monday 6th January - Back to school
  • Friday 31st January - Interim Reports out 
  • Wednesday 5th February - Violin lessons start
  • Wednesday 5th February - Expert Group Afternoon 
  • Friday 7th February - Numbers Day 
  • Friday 14th February - Break up for half-term 
  • Monday 24th February - Back to school 


PE Days:

  • Tuesday (Indoor PE)
  • Friday (Outdoor PE)


On PE days, children are asked to wear their school PE kit which includes a plain red t-shirt with or without the school logo, a plain black sports jacket/zip-up jacket and plain black or navy joggers/shorts.



Our learning: 


Each term we will add the knowledge organisers and give you an update about what is in store for the weeks ahead. Click on the icons below...


Each Friday one of the following activities will be set online:

  • My Maths
  • TT Rockstars


Alongside the online activity will be the following:

  • Reading (school diary signed 3 times for a merit)
  • Spelling (see below)
  • Learning times tables 



Spelling lists of 10 spellings, following a set rule, will be given out each week. Each list will be given out and placed in reading diaries to learn by the following week. One way of learning the spellings can be using their Spelling Shed account. 


Most of the lists, aside from when we cover the Year 3 and Year 4 statutory words lists, have an extra 'super speller' challenge to think of three extra words that follow the same given rule to learn. If the children can spell the extra words correctly in their spelling text they can gain a merit!


