Autumn Term 1
This half-term we will be covering:
- History: Changes to Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age (History focus)
- Science: Living Things and Habitats (food chains, classification)
- Art: Drawing (Buildings focus)
- Music: How does Music bring us together?
- RE: What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today?
- PSCHE: Being Me
- Spanish: Classroom object/stationery
- PE: Tag Rugby and Tai-Chi
- Computing: Computing Systems and Networks - The Internet
Autumn Term 2
This half-term we will be covering:
- Geography: Global Warming
- Science: Animals including humans (digestion and teeth)
- DT: Stitching
- Music: Violin Lessons
- RE: What does it mean to be Hindu in Britain today?
- PSCHE: Drug Education
- Spanish: Time and Christmas
- PE: Hockey and Dance
- Computing: Audio Production