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Year 3: Mrs Thorpe & Miss Cholerton - Sea Turtles

Welcome to Sea Turtle Class

Welcome to Sea Turtle class, during the week you will be taught by two teachers, Miss. Cholerton (Monday and Tuesday) and Mrs. Thorpe (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday). On a Thursday afternoon Mrs. Kinderman will be covering our class while Mrs. Thorpe has her PPA time (planning, preparation and assessment time). 


Our teaching assistants are Miss. Rawson, Mrs. Kinderman, Miss. Woods and Miss Oldham. On the webpage you will find lots of important information that will help you throughout the year. For more regular updates please check class dojo. Class dojo is the best way to contact us but you can also get in touch via email.





Summer 2

  • Monday 3th June - children back to school 
  • w/c 24th June - Celebration week 
  • Tuesday 2nd - Think Tank trip 
  • Friday 5th July - sports day and summer fair 
  • Tuesday 23rd July - break up for summer 




Each week our set homework will include your child's reading as well as spelling practice for 10 weekly words. These words will follow a particular spelling rule and occasionally will be challenge words taken from the Year 3/4 statutory spellings lists. Please do not be alarmed if your child has different spellings. We will always send your child home with the spellings list associated with the Year 3 curriculum to ensure your child is accessing and familiar with these words however we have tweaked spellings to ensure progress at each individual child's level. Spelling tests are on Friday's. 


Alongside weekly reading, spelling and times table practice, your child will also be set some online activities linked to grammar and Maths. These activities may be set on MyMaths, TTRockStars or These websites were accessed during your child's time in Year 2 so shouldn't be anything new to them.
