Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Summer 1

As ever, we have lots in store for our Year 3 children this half term.  Here is a taste of what is to come...


English - In English, we are refining our writing skills through newspaper reports and persuasive writing. 


Maths - We will be continuing to broaden our understanding of Fractions in Maths and start to compare and calculate with fractions.  Following this, we will start to explore time in more detail, improving the accuracy of telling the time to 1 minute intervals and understanding calendar units of time.


History - We continue to journey back in time to the age of the ancient Greeks and will be learning about their leaders, legacies, trade, beliefs and what their life was like using primary and secondary sources of information.


Science - We will be discovering the many uses and properties of a range of Rocks.


PSCHE & RSHE - Difference and diversity will be our theme in PSCHE where we will explore our similarities as well as differences, and understand why it is important to be treated fairly without discrimination.


Religious Education (RE) - In R.E., we will be answering the question, What do different people believe about God? This will provide an opportunity for children to consider their own thoughts and compare them to what Christians and Muslims believe.  We will also look at the idea of Humanism and this impacts the behaviour and choices of non-religious people.


Music - Our musical spotlight is on the musical styles of Gospel, Jazz and Hip Hop and we will continue to sing songs and learn tunes on the glockenspiels using minims, crotchets and quavers.


Art - This term we will be learning different techniques to sculpt and mould clay so that we can make different ancient Greek style pots.


Spanish – We will be applying our knowledge of colours and size to describing people and pets.
