Please find below curriculum information and knowledge organisers to help your children with their learning for the Summer 2 term.
Curriculum coverage
To make an extra special end to this remarkable year, we have some fabulous lessons planned for our Year 3 children.
English - We will be creating leaflets to advertise the Ancient Olympic Games, recreating one of Aesop's infamous fables and writing poetry based on our local geography after we have had an initial recap on reading comprehension, spelling and grammar skills.
Maths - We will be familiarising ourselves with properties of shape so that we can define 2D and 3D shapes in terms of angles and lines. We will also be improving our understanding measurement by looking at: telling the time to different intervals and relating to mass and capacity.
Geography - We will be looking closer to home and carrying out a local survey of our school grounds and mapping out what Long Eaton has to offer.
Science - We will revisit our learning on Plants, considering the requirements that Plants need in order to grow and survive. We will be working scientifically to plan and conduct different investigations, for example exploring where a plant grows best and how water transports through a plant.
PSCHE & RSHE - Our learning in PSCHE & RSHE this term focuses on the strand of health and well-being and relationships by looking at how 'bullying matters.' Children will be exploring the term what the term means and exploring what this can look like both on and offline. Children will learn about how their actions can affect themselves as well as others and the support available to anyone who feels they are experiencing hurtful and bullying behaviour or anyone who witnesses behaviours of concern.
Religious Education (RE) - In R.E., we will be answering the question, Why do people pray? This will provide an opportunity for children to consider their own thoughts and compare them to Christianity, Hinduism and Islamic religions.
Physical Education (PE) - we will be exploring the skills of athletics, rounders and football and making the most of the fine Summer weather.
Music - In music, we will continue to explore different music by listening, singing, improvising and composing, and we willl be considering 'how music helps us connect to the planet.' We will also be joining the whole school in celebrating World Music Day by understanding the style, origins and instruments of different traditional musical styles from across the globe. Socrates, in particular, will be exploring the European music called Hava Hagila which has roots in Israel.
Design and Technology - In D&T, we will be preparing different dip delicacies enjoyed around Europe.
Spanish – In Spanish, we will be learning how to state what we like and dislike and linking this to food which will conclude with a special cultural focus on the Festival of La Tomatina. We will also be reviewing and celebrating all that we've learnt over the year in order to create a postcard that details: greetings, details about our birthday, family and pets, as well as the thinks we like or dislike.