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Year 2: Miss Bestwick - N.A.S.A


NASA Class is made up of 29 fabulous Year 2 children. Our class teacher is Miss Bestwick and our teaching assistants are Miss Haywood, Mrs Salt and Miss Musson. Every other Thursday, we are lucky enough to be taught by Mrs Robinson whilst Miss Bestwick has her planning, preparation and assessment (PPA) time. 


On our webpage you will find regular updates on our learning as well as useful information and important dates. Alongside this webpage, you will also have access to our class dojo where we will share regular updates with you so that you know exactly what we have been up to. Please feel free to send me a message on Class Dojo or via my school email ( if you ever need to contact me.




In Year 2, we view your child's journey with us as an adventure as we are confident that all children have lots to see and lots to learn. Just like any adventure, our classroom and curriculum will be crammed full of fun and include lots of laughter along the way!


Please click on the icons below to find lots of useful information about your child's Year 2 adventure. In this section you will find information on all our curriculum areas, key documentation including knowledge organisers we will use in class as well as a copy of the termly spelling booklet. Occasionally, we will also add a class blog to update you on our classroom antics, but generally this will mostly be provided via class dojo.


Each half term  this section of the webpage will be updated to ensure you are aware of any important upcoming dates which may affect our class or whole-school. These dates will also be communicated via Class Dojo as well to ensure you do not miss any useful information.


Autumn Term 1:

  • Wednesday 4th September - Inset Day 
  • Thursday 5th September - Inset Day 
  • Friday 6th September - First Day in Year 2 (School day now starts at 08:50 with gates open at 08:40 and the end of the school day is 15:20)
  • Wednesday 9th October - Expert Groups 
  • Wednesday 23rd October - Parents' Evening 
  • Friday 25th October - Break up for half term 


PE days - TBC.





Your child will receive a reading diary and a wallet containing 2 books. The first book is a black and white ‘storybook’ – this will be a copy of the book your child has learned to read in their Read, Write Inc phonics group.  They will know this book and should be able to read it fluently – this is their book where they can show off their great reading skills to you! The second book is a ‘Book Bag Book’ – this book will be matched to your child’s phonics knowledge.  Although they will not have read this book in school, they should be able to read it quite easily. This book enables your child to apply their phonic skills independently and for this reason, this is the book we encourage you to focus on at home. 


In order for our phonics teaching to work effectively, it is essential that all books are returned to school. After hearing your child read at home, or sharing a book together, please make sure all books go straight back into their reading wallet / bag so they are always readily available at school. Depending on their phonics group, children will be given new reading books every 3 to 5 days.


Please note: 

  • Some black and white storybooks have a space for the child's name. Please leave this blank as these are not personal copies, and will be re-used. 

Finally, a reminder that we ask for you to hear your child read at least 3 times each week. Please sign your child’s reading diary after each read and include any comments you would like to make. If your child has read at least 3 times each week their name will get entered into our Reading Raffle!     


Spelling & Homework:

Each week our set homework will include your child's reading as well as spelling practice for 10 weekly words. These words will follow a particular spelling rule and occasionally will be challenge words taken from the Year 2 statutory spellings lists. Please do not be alarmed if your child has different spellings. We will always send your child home with the spellings list associated with the Year 2 curriculum to ensure your child is accessing and familiar with these words however we have tweaked spellings to ensure progress at each individual child's level. Spelling tests are on Friday's and a weekly overview can be found on each half terms tab. 


Alongside weekly reading and spelling practice, your child will also be set some online activities linked to grammar and Maths. These activities may be set on or MyMaths. Weekly updates will be provided via class dojo to make you aware of the homework each week.


You can access the homework apps and websites below:
