Welcome back to your child's second term in Year 2. In the Autumn Term we will be covering the following:
Maths: Multiplication, division and shapes
English: Different genres for writing, exploring recounts, the skills of diary writing, setting and character descriptions. Identify past tense verbs, suffixes, and the use of commas.
Geography: Our wonderful world- exploring locational and place knowledge by naming and locating the continents and oceans of the world, begin to compare hot and cold countries around the world and explore their human and physical features.
Science: Materials- identify uses and their properties, suitability of materials and explore the concept of recycling.
DT: Origins of food- how to be safe and hygienic around food.
Music: Playing in an orchestra.
Computing: Creating media-Digital photography
PE: Indoor – Tai Chi, Outdoor -Throwing and catching
RE: Explore a new religion by learning all about Jewish people. We will learn about sacred objects, sacred places, festivals, and celebrations, which are important to Jews.
PSCHE: ‘Being me’- What makes us unique- unpicking our similarities and differences, think about what makes us special and how this differs to the people around us.
Please click on the document attachments below to see what we will be learning in each subject.
Each week your child will be tested on a weekly spelling rule. Please practice these spellings at home to support your child with their progression in spelling as this will aid their learning and confidence in independent writing.
Please click on the document below to see the progression of our spelling rules this half term and to find a list of words the children will be tested against.