My name is Mr Almeida and here you will find all sorts of information about our class and the various things we will be getting up to throughout the year.
In our class we are extremely lucky to have the support of two wonderful TA's Mrs Ashton and Mrs Thomas. As well as every other week we will have the fabulous Miss Vaughn who will be teaching the class on Fridays.
If there is ever any issues please do not hesitate to message me on class dojo.
It's the final countdown! Summer Term 2 is here!
Welcome back everyone for the Summer Term 2! We have lots of exciting things planned through Science and exploring the properties of a range of different materials to Geography and participating in some local area field studies... How exciting!
PE will be on Wednesdays (Indoor) and Fridays (Outdoor). Due to us missing out final Tai Chi session last term we will be having our last session on the first Friday back.
Lots to look forward to!
Homework will be set on a weekly basis. It usually alternates between a mathematics activity, mymaths for example, and an English activity, for example. Sometimes we may set a paper based activity, which we will give plenty of notice for. If you need a computer based activity printing out, please let me know via dojo and I can do that for you.
We expect ALL children, EVERY week to learn their spellings in preparation for their weekly test. Times tables MUST be learnt and time spent on TT rock stars is a must.
Finally, we encourage children to read as much as possible at home, both to themselves and to their parents. Reading at home is vital to compliment and reinforce what we are doing in school.