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Year 1: Miss Nadin - Apollo 11


Welcome to Apollo 11 Class! 


Welcome to our class page. We are a wonderful Year 1 class and our teacher is Miss Nadin. Our amazing teaching assistants are Mrs White, Mrs Wilkins, Mrs Salt, Mrs Dowthwaite and Miss Hawkins. They support us at different times during the week. Every other Tuesday, we are lucky as we are taught by Mrs Robinson during Miss Nadin's PPA (Planning, Preperation and Assessment) time. 


We hope you enjoy seeing all of the fantastic things that we do in Apollo 11 Class.


Alongside our Class Page, we also share information and updates on Class Dojo. Please make sure you are connected on there so that you can see what we have been getting up to. Please feel free to send me a message on Class Dojo or via my school email which you will see below.





 Please see the PowerPoint below for information about Year 1.







Key Dates for the Diary 


  • Monday 6th January - Back to school
  • Friday 31st January - Interim Reports out 
  • Wednesday 5th February - Expert Group Afternoon 
  • Friday 7th February - Numbers Day 
  • Friday 14th February - Break up for half-term 
  • Monday 24th February - Back to school 




Our PE Days for Spring 1 are as follows: 

Outdoor PE - Monday

Indoor PE - Wednesday


The PE kit should include: 

A plain red/white t-shirt (with or without the school logo) 

A plain black sports jacket/zip-up jacket 

Plain black or navy joggers or shorts (weather dependent)

Trainers or plimsoles.




Your child will receive a reading diary and a wallet containing 2 books. The first book is a black and white ‘storybook’ – this will be a copy of the book your child has learned to read in their Read, Write Inc phonics group.  They will know this book and should be able to read it fluently – this is their book where they can show off their great reading skills to you! The second book is a ‘Book Bag Book’ – this book will be matched to your child’s phonics knowledge.  Although they will not have read this book in school, they should be able to read it quite easily. This book enables your child to apply their phonic skills independently and for this reason, this is the book we encourage you to focus on at home. 


Soon the children will be receiving a third book. This will be a book to share together at home. We promote a love of books and reading at school and would like to encourage this at home. We do not expect children to be able to read the sharing book themselves, but we do expect them to enjoy listening to it, learning from it and talking to you about it!


In order for our phonics teaching to work effectively, it is essential that all books are returned to school. After hearing your child read at home, or sharing a book together, please make sure all books go straight back into their reading wallet / bag so they are always readily available at school. Depending on their phonics group, children will be given new reading books every 3 to 5 days.


Please note: 

  • Some black and white storybooks have a space for the child's name. Please leave this blank as these are not personal copies, and will be re-used. 

Finally, a reminder that we ask for you to hear your child read at least 3 times each week. Please sign your child’s reading diary after each read and include any comments you would like to make. If your child has read at least 3 times each week their name will get entered into our Reading Raffle!     



Your child will receive weekly spellings to learn at home. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings so that they are ready for their weekly spelling test. The spelling test will take place every Friday.


At the start of the year, the children will receive log in details for a website/app called Spelling Shed. Spelling Shed is used across the school and it allows the children to practise their weekly spellings in a fun way. The children love using Spelling Shed.


Please see the link below for other fun ways to practise spellings at home.     

