Welcome to the final half term!
We can't quite believe that this is the beginning of the end for this year's year 5! We will be getting straight into a little bit of revision at the beginning of summer 2. It is time to consolidate everything we have learnt before we embark on some final assessments. Then, it will making sure we are ready for year 6... We will be writing some lovely Viking themed fiction as well as doing some fabulous drama related work and delving into rehearsals for the year 5/6 production. It will be extremely busy this half term!
Welcome to the summer term....
We will be leaping into the summer term with some very exciting learning. As part of our history knowledge block we will be delving into the world of the Vikings. We expect that the children will have an excellent foundation of knowledge to begin this journey. As you know, in year 5 we will be investigating why events happened and what the effects were. We will continue to broaden our skills with timelines and historical enquiry in order to really think like a historian. To round off our learning, we will be showcasing our understanding of the legacy the Saxons, Scots and Vikings left Britain.
More information will follow shortly folks...we are really looking forward to this term!