Hello and welcome to year 5, Thor class. I am Miss Berrington and here you will find all sorts of information about our class and what we will be getting up to this year...
My major passions in life, besides my two boys, are teaching and Vinyl. If there is ever an opportunity to sing in class to promote and engage learning, I'll do it! I am also a huge Derby County fan, so let's see how they do this season- I'm hoping for promotion back to the Championship ASAP!! Also, congratulations to all you Forest fans out there...
We are really lucky to have Miss Vaughn with us this year...she will teach Thor class on a Tuesday. She is an exceptional scientist and specialist Spanish...ist... We also have Mrs Thomas and Miss Ashton, two superb teaching assistants supporting your children.
If you wish to contact me, please do so via class dojo.
We are now heading into the final half term...hello summer!
Our indoor slot will be on a Wednesday and our outdoor slot will be on Fridays. We missed one session of Tai Chi, which we will do on our first Friday back...yipeee.
I will communicate with you via dojo about any changes or updates.
Homework will be set on a weekly basis. It usually alternates between a mathematics activity, mymaths for example, and an English activity, spag.com for example. Sometimes we may set a paper based activity, which we will give plenty of notice for. If you need a computer based activity printing out, please let me know via dojo and I can do that for you.
We expect ALL children, EVERY week to learn their spellings in preparation for their weekly test. Times tables MUST be learnt and time spent on TT rock stars is a must.
Finally, we encourage children to read as much as possible at home, both to themselves and to their parents. Reading at home is vital to compliment and reinforce what we are doing in school.
Watch this space for my weekly update guys....sorry, but it may sometimes include how the RAMS are doing... Here you will also find out who has received the weekly Well- done certificate
09.09.22: What an amazing first week. The children have worked their socks off, proving that they are ready for year 5. We have completed some lovely art work, which is now displayed in the corridor and recapped some basic skills to support us in our English and maths journey in year 5. Thank you for all the fantastic, high quality, imaginative homework we have received! Have a FAB weekend...
16.09.22: We have had another hard working week. The children had a great time at the pool today and some overcame a fears they had, so well done! A big shout out to Kian who received this week's well done award in this morning's REACH assembly.
23.09.22: We did some amazing evaluating in DT this week when we got to taste and discuss the merits of different types of biscuits. The children did a great job! They were able to use some top level vocabulary in their judgments. Well done to Kayden for receiving this week's WELL DONE AWARD! (Well done Mr P...)
30.09.22: What another busy week!!! We held our school council elections, so congratulations to Joe and Tayla!! Well done to Frankie, who received this week's WELL DONE AWARD. Super job...
07.10.22: Thank -you for all the donations Thor class have brought into school today- I was amazed. Thank you so much for your generosity. Well done to Layla C who received today's Well- done award. xx
14.10.22: Well, we have had an amazing week. The children have really put their all into their writing- some of their Escape from Pompeii stories were simply fantastic and all of the children have been trying to use year 5 targets already- so very proud! We have also made, cooked, decorated and evaluated our biscuits. We have had such a great time completing our DT knowledge block. Well done everyone. x
21.10.22: We have reached the end of our first half term...and the children have done a wonderful job. They have adjusted to being in year 5 really well. I'm so very impressed. Well done to Joseph who received this week's well done award! Let's hope Derby (and Forest...he he he...) have a better time of it over half term...
04.11.22: What a lovely first week back. I must say how fantastic some of the homework looks! Thank you so much for the time and effort you have put in. The children will know lots about Andy Warhol before we begin our printing knowledge block of learning. I am very excited to see what else is in store this term...
11.11.22: I must say I am very proud of Thor class. They participated in a whole school assembly on Thursday and showed the wonderful work they had produced after conducting research on Edith Cavell. We were very blessed to have been in this morning's assembly where we remembered those who have fallen on behalf of our country and reflected on the hope we have for a better future. Have a lovely weekend everyone.
18.11.22: I would like to say a huge thank you for your support with Children in Need...the children looked fantastic and really understood the importance of why we should help others. A huge WELL DONE to Toby who received this week's certificate in our celebration assembly this morning.
25.11.22: The children have worked their socks off this week. They should feel very proud of what they have achieved in their assessments. We rounded off the week with celebration afternoon...all the children had a fantastic time in their Expert Groups. COME ON ENGLAND!
02.12.22: The children have done a brilliant job this week, I am very proud of them. They definitely deserve their weekend! We had a fantastic final swimming lesson of this half term. The children have a brilliant knowledge of water safety and they demonstrated their techniques for saving others in danger. Well done to Jacky for receiving today's certificate! LET'S DO IT AGAIN ENGLAND...
09.12.22: Another great week for Thor class. The children looked fab in their Christmas jumpers yesterday...we have all started to feel very festive. Well done to Joe H for receiving this week's certificate. We are very impressed with you!
06.01.23: Happy New Year to you all. I hope you have all had a lovely restful break and are looking forward to 2023. I am looking forward to seeing your holiday homework and cannot wait to hear about all the facts and investigating you have completed about the UK.
13.01.23: We have had a marvellous first week back. The children have fully embraced our new knowledge block of learning: A UK study. We have had some seriously high quality homework, which is already on display. Well done to Lolli who received today's well done certificate.
20.01.23: The children have worked brilliantly this week, especially in maths where we have been practising our division skills. Well done to George who who was awarded this week's certificate in our celebration assembly this morning! Have a lovely weekend...
27.01.23: Another fab week for Thor class...we have had triumphs in maths with formal written methods for multiplication and division....hip hip hooray!!! Congratulations to Tayla for receiving this week's well done award! Have a lovely weekend chaps.
03.02.23: The children have seriously impressed me this week with their D & T skills. They used the hacksaws safely and accurately to cut the wooden pieces for their chariots. Well done to Michael who received this week's well done award. Have a super weekend...
10.02.23: What a week...the children have made us so proud, showing our visitors their determination, resilience and love for learning. We have ended this week on a high with a fun session of swimming and an action packed afternoon of DT. The whole class thoroughly deserve their well done certificate!!!
03.03.23: It has been a fabulous first week back! The children thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day and they looked stunning in their outfits. We were luck enough to join a live webnar with Michael Morpurgo, which was very enlightening. Well done to Archie who received today's well- done award in assembly!
10.03.23: We've had a hardworking week! The children have done a great job in the classroom despite the excitement about the snow. Well done to Carly Marie for receiving this week's celebration certificate- TOP JOB!
21.04.23: The children have come back to school with a really positive vibe. We have begun our learning about the Vikings, and I have been very impressed so far. Tai chi went down a storm- the children were fantastic. Well done to Thomas who received this week's well done award. Super job! Finally- COYRAMS!!! (Let's see how Forest do at Liverpool... )
28.04.23: YES!!! We did it: the whole class achieved FULL MARKS on their weekly spelling test. We have been so so close almost every week folks, but this time you did it. So very proud...We have a great week to look forward to next week. We have lots of things planned for our whole school coronation day. It is an important weekend for Forest and Derby. I have to say, Forest did hold their own against Liverpool. Well done! Come on YOU RAMS- we need a win at the weekend to stay in potential play-off position... Finally, a super well done to Jonah who has received this week's well done award!
05.05.23: What a fantastic week! The children had a brilliant time on our Coronation day and we celebrated in style with party food and making collages. The children have been using the sticks in tai chi and have really been improving their co-ordination. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the bank holiday. The RAMS could really do with 3 points, as could Forest!!
12.05.23: This week the children have been doing a fantastic job with their writing. They have completed their persuasive brochures about the UK coastline, and I must say we have been hugely impressed! We are a very proud year 5 team!! I cannot leave this blog without mentioning how disappointed I am with Derby not making the playoffs...and it is still too close to call with Forest? Let's see...
19.05.23: Another very hard working week for the year 5s! They have been tackling some very challenging maths this week, which has included some visualisation skills. The children have done a superb job with symmetry and reflection. Well done to max who received this week's well done award!
25.05.23: What a way to end the week...I would like to say a huge thank you for all the support you have given over the summer 1 half term. The children looked fantastic today in their jungle themed outfits. I'm sure we will have raised a lot of money for the school library. You all deserve to have a break- let's hope the sun stays out. Miss B x
16.06.23: What a fantastic end to a very hard working week! Our trip to Magna was brilliant- the children really enjoyed the Stars and Planets workshop. I think the water section of the museum may have been their favourite? Have a restful weekend!
22.06.23: The children have worked their socks off this week, completing their final assessments of the year. I am immensely proud of them, especially with how they approached the reading appears. A JOB VERY WELL DONE!!
21.07.23: This has been an amazing year. I would like to tell you all how very proud I am of every single pupil in Thor class. They have grown so much academically and personally. They are so ready for year 6. I am very confident they will do an fantastic job next year. I would like to thank all the parents for their support and understanding this year. As always: COME ON YOU RAMS!!!!