Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Spring 1 and 2


We are very excited to be teaching our new topic: Romans and Volcanoes. We have a wonderful history and geography focussed term. We will be investigating the impact of the Roman invasion, discovering Pompeii and learning about how volcanoes form, erupt and impact on peoples' lives when they erupt. We will examine evidence and ask questions to help build our understanding. In English we will be reading a brilliant book called Escape from Pompeii, looking at explanations for how Volcanoes erupt and exploring the story of Boudicca.


Science will focus on the Earth and our Solar System and then move onto forces. In art, we will be studying Andy Warhol and using his vision of Mount Vesuvius for inspiration. Computing will cover what the internet is, before moving onto coding. In Spanish we will be looking at vocabulary for family members and pets.


Here's to an exciting term!
