Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Spring 1

English - This term our English focus will be on developing persuasive texts and then constructing non-chronological reports, in keeping with our geography unit on Europe.  We will first investigate persuasive techniques used in advertising and apply these to enticing our readers to go on a journey to a popular resort in the UK.  We then develop our knowledge of non-chronological reports and use this genre format to inform our reader about different animals native to particular countries in Europe.


Maths - Our lessons will build upon the children's addition, subtraction and multiplication knowledge developed in the Autumn term. We will continue to build our strategies to deal with divisions, drawing on our multiplication skills and learning the powerful short division method.  


Geography & History - This half term we are expanding our UK geography learning to discover more about our continent of Europe.  Children will use a globe, atlas and maps to locate countries and major city settlements.  They will then look at natural resources found in the UK and how these have provided heat, transport, food and clothing.  Finally, we will be comparing the human and physical geography of different countries in Europe before looking more closely at the country of Greece. We will return to History in Spring 2, finding out about the Ancient Greeks.


Science - Our strand this term links to 'Animals.' Throughout this unit we will explore what living things need to survive and stay healthy.  This will include the nutrients which are found in various food groups and how these enable humans to stay healthy.  We will compare the diets of humans and animals to understand the difference between carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.  In addition, we will find out what nutrition is best for our bones and how the different bones in our skeleton help to protect and support us as well as enable us to move.  We will then compare our endoskeleton (for vertebrates) to the exoskeleton and hydrostatic skeletons of invertebrates.


PSCHE & RSHE - Children will be exploring the strand 'being healthy.' Within this unit, children will be thinking about the ways we can keep our minds and our bodies healthy. We will also look at dental health and identify how our diet could impact our teeth, as well as how to plan a balanced diet to provide our body with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.


Religious Education (RE) - The children will be exploring Christianity and why the Bible is so important to Christians. We will learn more about how the Bible has impacted people’s lives, what the Bible provides, what it contains and how it is structured.  We will look at what the Bible teaches Christians about God, life and the universe as well as temptation and forgiveness.


Music - In our music lessons, we will be listening to different genres of music, with a special focus singing and playing glockenspiels in the styles of pop and musicals.  The songs will help us consider the question, “how does music help to make the world a better place?”  We will practise using minims, crotchets and quavers in 4/4 time signature using major keys.


Art & Design and Technology - This term our focus will be on Art and in particular on textile art across the world, including that of Bisa Butler and Joyce J Scott.  Throughout the half term children will explore a range of skills – embroidery stitching, cutting, beading and joining.  We will return to Design and Technology in Spring 2.


Spanish – We will extend our skills in greeting people and referring to numbers to talk about our families; from how many siblings we have and using “my” as well as the verb tener.  We will learn how to tell someone if we have pets and understand words for different pet animals. By the end of the unit we should be able to understand and reply to questions in second person with the verb tener: ¿Tienes hermanos? ¿Tienes un animal o una mascota?

