Each week your child will be tested on a weekly spelling rule. Please practice these spellings at home to support your child with their progression in spelling as this will aid their learning and confidence in independent writing.
Please click on the document below to see the progression of our spelling rules this half term and to find a list of words the children will be tested against. As always, the children are broken down into three spelling groups, please click on the appropriate group for your child.
Each week your child will be tested on a weekly spelling rule. Please practice these spellings at home to support your child with their progression in spelling as this will aid their learning and confidence in independent writing.
Please click on the document below to see the progression of our spelling rules this half term and to find a list of words the children will be tested against. As always, the children are broken down into three spelling groups, please click on the appropriate group for your child.
Each week we encourage children to continue to practice the basics which will support them with their journey in Year 3 and through later school life. We encourage children to complete the following:
- Reading - We request 3x weekly reads of which these should be completed to an adult to support children's comprehension skills and to support their accuracy in word recognition. Please sign your child's diary after every read.
- Spelling Practice - Each week your (on a Friday), your child will come home with a new set of spelling words which generally follow a spelling rule. Occasionally these words will be challenge words which means they are taken from the Year 3/4 statutory spelling list and do not follow a rule. Spelling tests are every Friday morning.
- Times Tables Practice - Children will continue to earn their bronze, silver and gold awards on their times-table cards however this skill is essential to making good progress in the Year 3 curriculum. Where possible, support your child learning their times tables up to 12x12. We recommend learning the 2s, 5s and 10s solidly first before progressing onto the 3s, then 4s and finally the 8 times tables. Once your child has mastered these, continue working through their times-tables as this will support them for their Year 4 multiplication check.
Alongside this homework, children will be set a weekly task which is generally completed online. This will alternate between supporting their English and Maths progress and will either be completed on Spag.com, MyMaths or Times Tables Rockstars.
Each Friday your child will stick a homework slip and weekly spelling list into their diary. We therefore ask that your child has their planner in school everyday so that important notices aren't missed. I will also update the class blog weekly to remind you of the set homework tasks.