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Year 3: Miss Bestwick - Tutankhamun Class


Tutankhamun Class is made up of 30 fabulous Year 3 children. Our class teacher is Miss Bestwick and our fabulous teaching assistants are Ms Rawson and Mrs Henson. Every other Tuesday, we are lucky enough to be taught by Mrs Henson whilst Miss Bestwick has her planning, preparation, and assessment (PPA) time.


On our webpage you will find regular updates on our learning as well as useful information and important dates. Alongside this webpage, you will also have access to our class dojo where we will share regular updates with you so that you know exactly what we have been up to. Please feel free to send me a message on Class Dojo or via my school email ( if you ever need to contact me.




In Year 3, we view your child's journey with us as an adventure as we are confident that all children have lots to see and lots to learn. Just like any adventure, our classroom and curriculum will be crammed full of fun and include lots of laughter along the way!


Please click on the icons below to find lots of useful information about your child's Year 3 adventure. In this section you will find our medium term plans, knowledge organisers, spellings and even a weekly class blog for each of the school terms so you will always know what we've been up to!



Each half term I will update this section of the webpage to ensure you are aware of any important upcoming dates which may affect our class or whole-school. These dates will also be communicated via Class Dojo as well to ensure you do not miss any useful information.


Summer 2

  • Monday 7th June - Return to school
  • W/C 19th June - Celebration Week and National Sports Week
  • Friday 23rd June - Inset Day
  • Friday 7th July - Picnic lunch day and Sports Day
  • Monday 10th July - Dovedale's Got Talent
  • Tuesday 11th July - Class swap morning to their new Year 4 classrooms
  • Wednesday 12th July - Meet the Teacher Drop in after school
  • Friday 14th July - Reports sent home
  • Wednesday 19th July - Drop in after school regarding the reports
  • Thursday 20th July - End of year celebration assembly
  • Friday 21st July - Last Day of Year 3!  Wow! We made it in style!


Summer 1

  • Monday 17th April  - Back to school
  • Friday 26th May - End of Summer Term 1


Spring Term 1


  • Monday 9th January - First day back to school
  • Thursday 26th January - Tutankhamun's Class Assembly
  • Friday 27th January - Interim reports out to parents
  • Thursday 9th February - Expert Groups 2:00 till 3:00pm
  • Friday 17th February - End of Spring Term 1


Autumn Term 2:


  • Monday 31st October - Inset Day (School closed to pupils)
  • Tuesday 1st November - First day back to school
  • Wednesday 2nd November - Parent's Evening 
  • Friday 11th November - Remembrance Assembly 
  • Friday 18th November - Children in Need
  • w/c Monday 21st November - Celebration Week 
  • Thursday 24th November - Art Gallery 
  • Friday 2nd December - Christmas Fair 
  • Thursday 8th December - Christmas Jumper Day 
  • Tuesday 20th December - Lower Junior Christmas Party 
  • Thursday 22nd December- Break up for Christmas

* Please note, Tutankhamun will have a class assembly next term on Thursday 26th January.


Autumn Term 1:

  • Thursday 1st September - Inset Day (school closed to pupils)
  • Friday 2nd September - First day in Year 3
  • Wednesday 19th October - Parent's evening
  • Friday 21st October - Break up for half-term
  • Monday 31st October - Inset Day (school closed to pupils)
  • Tuesday 1st November - Back to school



This section will provide a brief overview of any important general information you may need to know. For further details on your child's learning please refer to the half termly tabs which can be found within the 'adventure awaits' section


Reading Books: 

Your child's journey with reading in the lower juniors will reflect a very similar format to their journey in the infants. Depending our how your child is progressing with their reading, they will either continue to use the read, write inc. phonics scheme and bring home a black and white story book and a book bag book to bridge any gaps, or if they have completed all their phonics learning, your child will just bring home a book off the Accelerated Reader Scheme.


Regardless of the books your child brings home we ask for your child to read to an adult at least three time a week. Where your child has a shorter book we try to encourage reading this through twice to improve comprehension and accuracy however we recognise this isn't possible for longer, chapter based books! When reading with your child, please sign their diaries as for every three reads your child completes at home they earn a merit and will be awarded a raffle ticket to help them edge closer to an end of half-term prize!


Spellings & Homework:

Each week our set homework will include your child's reading as well as spelling practice for 10 weekly words. These words will follow a particular spelling rule and occasionally will be challenge words taken from the Year 3/4 statutory spellings lists. Please do not be alarmed if your child has different spellings. We will always send your child home with the spellings list associated with the Year 3 curriculum to ensure your child is accessing and familiar with these words however we have tweaked spellings to ensure progress at each individual child's level. Spelling tests are on Friday's and a weekly overview can be found on each half terms tab. 


Alongside weekly reading, spelling and times table practice, your child will also be set some online activities linked to grammar and Maths. These activities may be set on MyMaths, TTRockStars or These websites were accessed during your child's time in Year 2 so shouldn't be anything new to them. Please head over to the half termly tabs to find website links for each online task.



This half term, our PE days are a Tuesday afternoon and a Wednesday morning. Outdoor PE will be on a Tuesday afternoon and will consist of netball. Indoor PE will be on a Wednesday morning and will be a Tai Chi session led by an external agency. Please can your child to come dressed in their appropriate PE kits (plain, with no logos). Your child will stay in their PE kit for the entire day. On Forest school days, your chlld can come to school in their appropriate clothing but must bring their uniform to change into.  
