Happy Friday all!
What a very busy week we have had.
This week we have celebrated all things Remembrance with the children showcasing their work in assembly Thursday and a visit from 3 members of the Long Eaton Branch of the Royal British Legion visiting today to share some artefacts and hold our 2 minutes silence. This was framed by a piper playing the Reverie on the bagpipes. A very special experience.
The children were captivated and showed off their excellent behaviours and respectful attitudes.
A big thank you to Miss Nadin and Miss Bestwick for organising these events.
I have put a web link for parents under safeguarding with information for parents on keeping children safe whilst using Whatsapp.
As a school we recognise that it is not always easy for children to attend every day. Illnesses or exceptional circumstances can impact on children's attendance and we understand this. As a school however we need to be doing all we can to raise the percentage for groups of children and individuals. This also includes children who are frequently late to school.
Being late to school impacts on the child's settling into class, disrupts the other children's routines and means they are missing valuable time for lesson input or phonics.
We do however love to celebrate those children who do have great attendance.
We therefore run a whole class competition each half term and will also be issuing certificates for children who have 100% attendance each term.
All children who have received a 100% certificate for any term over the year will be entered into a prize draw at the end of the year.
The winners of our whole class attendance for last half term was Miss Bestwick's class at 97.89%. These will be able to choose a whole class treat.
The top 5 classes are all in the lower school.
The ranking for all classes from lowest to highest %s are:
Mr Almeida
Miss Berrington
Miss Barrett
Mrs Ganguly
Miss Nadin
Mr McCarthy
Mrs Kelly
Mrs McGowan
Mrs Thorpe
Miss Blake
Mrs Potter
Mrs Norton
Miss Keating
Miss Bestwick
Let's get competitive and see who wins next term!
8th May has been announced as a Bank holiday and school will be closed on this day.
Next week is odd socks day on Monday to kick off our anti bullying week.
On Friday it is Children in Need and children are welcome to come to school in spots or non school uniform. Miss Nadin, (Our school council lead) will be sharing information around this. There will also be a cake sale after school.
I have asked teachers to turn off Dojos this weekend so in an emergency please email the head teacher email.
Have a lovely weekend.