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EYFS: Mrs Norton - Julia Donaldson

Please click on the robin for home learning for any Spring 1 learning if you need it. Below are some useful links to help your child including games etc. 


Mrs Norton

Spring 2 Covid work 

Hello, Please find below a selection of work for the week beginning 14th March 2022. I have put on lessons and provisions which would be completed in class this week if you child is feeling well. 


Thank you


Mrs Norton 

Hello and welcome to Julia Donaldson Class. 


I am Mrs Norton and will be teaching your child from Monday to Wednesday each week. Miss Martin will cover the class on a Thursday and then on a Friday when I am not in school. 


On this webpage you will find an update of what we have done each term, along with these being shared on class stories on Dojo. You will also be able to access observations of your child's learning on Dojo once you have been given the individual log ins. 


You will also be able to see who received the Star of the week and gets to take the Diary, book and character home as well as updates as to which day your child will need to come in PE kit. 


We ask that once the children are given their book bags that they are brought into school each day. Children will also need to bring their water bottle with fresh water in each day and this will return home with them each evening. 

Autumn 2021






George A






Spring 2022








Summer 2022






Summer 1 2022

Back to school - Monday 25th April

Bank Holiday - Monday 2nd May 

Wednesday 25th May - Jubilee Street party 

Friday 27th May - Inset day 

Monday 6th June - Queen's Jubilee additional holiday

Tuesday 7th June - Back to school 


Other events to add when possible...

EYFS disco (rearranged from Autumn 2) 

Possible PETs in school date

Educational visit to Conkers (Summer 2) 


Summer 2 - Paddington's Great Adventure

We hope you had a lovely half-term!


In Literacy, this half term we will be exploring different parts of the world through 'Paddington's Great Adventure'. We will be writing facts about Antarctica, Africa and other places and also looking at Ellen McArthur and where she travelled to on her boat. Paddington will introduce us to new stories from places he has visited so that we can research new things to tell him about. We will also look at our seaside and what it is like to go there. 


In Maths, we will continue to deepen our understanding of numbers to 10 by further exploring the composition of each number and recognising when quantities are greater than, less than or the same. We will continue to develop our addition and subtraction skills and practise recalling number bond facts quickly.  We will also be exploring patterns within numbers up to 10 which will include doubling, sharing quantities equally and finding which numbers are odd or even. 


In Understanding the world we will be looking at how our surroundings are similar and different to those in other countries and looking at the different oceans around the world. We will be looking at materials and which material will make the best coat for Paddington, as well as finding toys that our parents used to play with and sharing them with Paddington and the class. We will also be looking at special stories that are our favourite stories and those from other religions. 


For our Expressive Arts and Design, we will be continuing to follow Charanga for our Music lessons and also be looking at the Pop Artist Roy Lichenstein to practise creating pop art inspired penguins using our colour mixing skills. We will continue to develop our learned skills independently and create pieces of artwork collaboratively. 


In PE, we will continue our TLG PE programme where we will be learning a Spanish Dance and continue to practice our throwing skills. We will also be preparing for Sport's Day by practising how to compete in races and team races. 


It is a busy half term and we can't wait to learn all about the world around us! 


Here are some of the stories that we will be focussing on this half term. 

Welcome to our Summer term! It isn't a long one but it is extremely busy learning about our new knowledge block 'Land, Sea, where will the animal be?' 


This half term is all about animals from farm animals to under water and jungle animals - as well as looking at animal habitats and those from hot and cold places. 


Children will be learning about special places around the world - starting  the celebration of Ramadan and how Muslim's celebrate this in a variety of ways. We will then be comparing this to what we have learnt about Christian beliefs. 


In literacy we will be continuing to work on letter formation, capital letters, finger spaces and full stops, as well as using our phonics knowledge from Read Write Inc to spell individual words. We will be looking at writing directions for the robbers in 'What the Ladybird heard' to writing identifying rhyming words and writing the next part in stories. 


In our expressive arts we will be continuing to follow the charanga scheme looking at pulse and using instruments and our bodies as well as applying what we have learnt about materials and textures to create paper plate animals and images to music. 


In Understanding the world we will be looking at David Attenborough and having a go at creating a small voiceover clip about an animal. We will also be learning about animals and their babies and animal habitats. 


We will be continuing to work on our gross motor skills using TLG PE and also some of the new equipment in the outdoor area. 


We are also in the process of organising some animals to come into school so that we can have a first hand experience and look at how animals are different and why. 


We can not wait to learn! 


The EYFS Team

This half term we will have a focus on the books below.

Welcome to Spring 2 - Get Set, Grow! 


This half term we will be learning about how plants grow and the lifecycle of animals such as caterpillars. We will watch these develop each week and also let the butterflies go once they are ready. This will teach the children about lifecycles of animals and humans, as well as care for animals and living things and learn what they need to survive. 


We will be learning about special places to us and people in the community during our Understanding the World - People and communities sessions and be looking at objects inside them that makes them even more special. 


In our phonics sessions we will be starting Read, Write Inc. This will be set up differently to our current reading system but more information on this will follow. 


This half term we are hoping to hold our school disco that we postponed in the autumn term. We will send out these details once we have a date. 


Our class assembly is this half term and children will be sent home with their lines/what they might need to do within the first two weeks so that you can practice them with your child. 


We will continue to send out the weekly newsletter via class dojo stories - this will have the most recent learning of the week and any important information you may need. 


We look forward to the nicer weather and introducing even more new equipment to our outdoor area


Mrs Norton 



Hello Everyone, 


We hope you have had a super Christmas and enjoyed some time off! Our theme for this half term is 'Dinosaurs and Fantasy'. Children will be learning facts about dinosaurs and looking at stories linked to magical worlds. For Understanding the world, we will be looking at how we have changed from a baby to now and things that we liked before as well as looking at forces and materials to make a shelter for our dinosaur. 


In Maths, we will be particularly focussing on shape and vocabulary to describe shape. We will also be revisiting repeating patterns for fluency and beginning to look at the composition of number. 


In RE we will be focusing on people who help us (which will recap some of our autumn learning) and hopefully have a visit from a police officer which had to be postponed due to covid. 


In Expressive arts we will be continuing with our Charanga music and also looking at the artist Kandinsky linked to shape. We will also be looking at curling, fringing and a variety of ways to print. 


We will also be looking at booking a new date for our disco which couldn't go ahead due to covid. Please keep an eye on Dojos for when this will take place. 




For the first few weeks, our main priority is to ensure all the children settle happily into school routines and form good relationships and friendships within the class. The children will also be finding out about our routines and 'REACH’ superhero values: Respect, Enjoyment, Achievement, Challenge and Health. We will model how this looks within the school environment. All the children will also be completing a range of activities which enable us to identify their current knowledge and understanding which will take place through our own school Baseline and a Government Baseline. 


The children will begin Phase 1 phonics and will begin exploring numbers in depth. Some familiar characters, ‘Numberblocks’ will be helping us to do this! We will also begin learning about matching and sorting shapes and exploring pattern. 


We will be learning all about ourselves, our families, and our friendships through a range of quality and engaging texts which can be seen below. We will be developing our understanding about what makes us unique from others and that's what makes us SUPER! We will share the story of 'The Colour Monster' to understand our emotions and feelings in depth and strategies to help us with some emotions. 


In the week commencing the 4th of October, it is World Space Week! So, we will get our space suits on and shoot into space in our rockets to explore the amazing solar system!  


We are looking forward to continually getting to know your lovely children and yourselves further over the next few weeks! 


Please keep checking Dojo (logins will be given out very soon) to see updates and the fantastic learning your children undertake!

Knowledge organiser EYFS Autumn 1

Every child will bring home a Read Write Inc paper reading book - please do not write your child's name on these. They will also bring home another 'book bag book'. 


Children will have read the paper book in class with their phonics teacher. The other book they will not be familiar with but should be able to decode all of the words in there unless they are a red word 'We can't Fred a red'.  Fred is the name of our phonics frog. 


These books will be changed every 3 days by the child's phonics teacher. We will be getting a stamp to sign the diary so that you know when it was changed. 


I just wanted to give you some information and some support for reading at home with your children. Please see below some useful links as well. Very soon, I will upload our very own reading videos to support you further. 


Please read with your child at least 3 times a week at home. Even if this is just for 10 minutes. Regular reading at home has a huge impact on the progression in their reading and phonics.


When the children are reading, it is important that they are applying their phonic knowledge and skills through the following: 


  • Pronouncing pure sounds (see link below) 
  • Sounding out and blending to read the word (eg, ch...air - chair or c.. a... t - cat
  • Identifying tricky words (can't sound them out). 
  • Later on in the year: Identifying the sounds including digraphs (two letters that make one sound - ch, th, sh, etc) and trigraphs (three letters that make one sound - air, ear, ure, etc).


If your child has remembered the story but not looking at the words ask them to point to a specific word e.g is so that they are being encouraged to look at the words. 


Additionally, asking the children questions about what they have read and using the text to answer the questions will develop the children's comprehension skills. 


Examples of questions to ask: 


Before reading the book:

  • Can you point to the title? or What is this? (pointing to the title) 
  • What do you think this story will be about?
  • What might happen in the story? 
  • Who is in the story? 

During the reading of the book:

  • What is happening here?
  • What is ______ doing?
  • What might happen  next? 
  • How do you think the story might end? 
  • Is __________ friendly/ mean/ nice…? Why?
  • What does ______ mean? (To check understanding of a word)
  • How do you think ______ feels? 

At the end of the book:

  • Did you like this book? Why? 
  • What was your favourite part? Why? 
  • Which character did you like the best? Why? 
  • Why did that character do … (give a situation/ event from the story)? 
  • What happened in the story?


I hope this helps and thank you for your support with reading. 

Our School Day

The school day starts from 9:00 am - 3:15pm with the gates opening at 8:50am. 


On drop-off, you will use the main gates that you entered during your visits and are encouraged to drop your child at the gate to their classroom.


On collection, if you wait outside our classroom (on the playground) and your child will be in the line to come out to you. Please give us a wave and try and stand in a similar spot each day to aid with getting the children out quickly and safely - especially in the wetter months. 


Water Bottles

We encourage all children to bring their own water bottles into the classrooms everyday with their full name clearly labelled on the side. Children are provided access to their own water bottles throughout the day to ensure hydration. Please could you ensure that only water is put into them and not juice! This will be returned each day to be washed and refilled for the next school day. 


Book bags

The children will be soon given book bags. Please could these be brought into school each day and checked every evening for any new letters. Please could we ask these are the only bags brought into school as we have limited space in the cloakrooms.


PE day

Our PE day will be every Thursday and children will be asked to wear their PE kit to school. Please note the PE kit should be: a plain red t-shirt with or without the school logo, plain black sports jacket/zip-up jacket and plain black or navy joggers/shorts. Please can you ensure all PE clothing and footwear is labelled with your child’s full name.


PE will include alternating both indoors and outdoors. Please could you ensure the appropriate PE kit is worn. I will communicate in advance on Dojo whether it is indoor or outdoor PE.


School Money 

 You will shortly receive a text message /email about joining 'School Money'. This is our system on paying for things in school as we do not handle cash. This will include things like school milk, trips wrap-around club etc. Any questions please Dojo, email or ring the school office. 



While the children are 4 years old, they will receive milk for free. Once your child turns 5 years old, unfortunately they will no longer receive it. If you wish for your child to continue to have milk at school, please visit:



To celebrate this special day, the birthday boy or girl can come dressed in their own clothes for the school day. If their birthday is on the weekend, they are welcome to pick the closest day to come in non-uniform! 


Jewellery and Hair 

To ensure the safety of your child our school policy regarding jewellery, hair and nails is as follows:-


  • No jewellery other than stud earrings and watches.
  • We recommend that children who have long hair (below their shoulders) should tie their hair back for school; however, it is essential that it is tied back for PE lessons. 
  • Appropriate hair bobbles of size and design.
  • Nail varnish should be removed for the school week.


Rewards at Dovedale 

At Dovedale we have a positive approach to behaviour management and use different strategies to reward positive behaviour. They are as follows: - 



Smiley Chart

Both classrooms have a smiley chart. Each child starts on the green smiley face every morning and throughout the day if they show progress towards our ‘REACH Rules’, they have the opportunity to move up the chart to the silver (where a sticker will be placed on their chart). The gold smiley is highly regarded and only 1 or 2 children achieve this each day. If they achieve the gold smiley they will receive a golden ticket explaining their achievements.


Children that achieve a green smiley, silver smiley or gold smiley will come home with a smiley sticker to show they have had a good day at school.


Alternatively, children who struggle to follow our ‘REACH Rules’ may have to move down on the smiley chart to have reflection time in the classroom or to visit a member of SLT in reflection time during lunch times.  This will additionally be communicated to their parents. However, they will always have the opportunity to move back up the chart before the end of the day. 


Sticker Charts

Children receive stickers for a wide range of reasons within the school day. As they gather stickers on their chart they will gradually be getting closer to achieving a bronze, silver and gold award. Children need to achieve 25 stickers to achieve each award. 


House Points

Children across school are allocated a place in either the Gold, Sapphire, Emerald or Ruby House Team. Throughout the school day, children achieve house points for their team which are calculated at the end of every week. At the end of each half term the winning house team receives a small prize and an additional play time. 
