Please find information about our Spring Term 2 curriculum below.
Maths: This term we will begin to build upon our knowledge of wider concepts by exploring measurement. Our measurement unit is broken down into length, height, weight and capacity.
English: In writing, we will look at a few genres for writing including how to plan and write a non- chronological report and acrostic poems. In grammar, we will explore suffixes, apostrophes for possession and a particular focus on editing skills like identifying missing capital letters, full stops and spelling errors.
History: We will be looking at the 'Life for children in Victorian Britain' and explore fun and interesting facts about Queen Victoria, a revolutionary inventor- George Stevenson and what was school and life like for children in that era.
Science: We will continue to learn about 'Living things and their habitats' and how living things adapt to their environment, how they depend on each other for survival and food chains. We will also be doing lots of investigations and experiments during Science week in our Science Carousel.
DT: We will be learning how to build 3D structures and apply these skills for making greeting cards.
Music: Inventing a musical story – How does music teach us about our neighbourhood?
Computing: Pictograms
PE: Outdoor – Striking & Fielding and Indoor – Gymnastics
RE: ‘Expressing’ strand-How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times?
PSCHE: ‘Living in the Wider World’ strand-Money Matters
Please find knowledge organisers for each subject attached.