Autumn Term 2 will see the continuation of our full enriched curriculum.
English - This term our English focus on developing reports, both newspaper and subject. We will start will applying our knowledge of mummification to investigate and report about who Howard Carter was and what made him famous one hundred years ago! We will then be developing our descriptive skills to link into our Geograpy block on transport and a Journey (by Aaron Becker). We will also end our English block with a Geography theme based on the Water Cycle and learn how to set out a quality subject report.
Maths - Our lessons will be sequenced carefully to build upon the children's addition and subtraction knowledge. In our lessons we will continue to recap bridging across tens and hundreds using our mental strategies before introducing powerful methods such as column addition and column subtraction. Once children are secure with these methods, we will begin to introduce inverse operations and use these as a means to check answers to calculations. Towards the latter stages of this term, children will begin to explore multiplication and division. These lessons will build upon children's knowledge of the 2s, 5s and 10s times tables before beginning to introduce the 3s, 4s and 8s times tables.
History & Geography - This term our unit will be around Geography and the children will explore the thread of trade and transport. Children will familarise themselves with human geography before unpicking transport routes across the country. Children will explore why transport systems were built and how they were used.
Science - Our strand this term links to 'Light.' Throughout our sessions children will familarise themselves with scientific vocabulary such as light, darkness, absence, natural, manmade and sources. They will use this knowledge to help sort different light sources before exploring reflections and shadows.
PSCHE & RSHE - Children will be exploring the strand 'being responsible.' Within this unit, children will be thinking about what it means to be responsible by exploring rules, rights and responsibilities. We will look at how these form part of the law and consequences we could face by breaking the rules.
Religious Education (RE) - The children will be exploring Hinduism and considering what life is like for Hindus in Britain today. We will study their beliefs, explore how they worship and draw comparisons to other religions. We will also build upon knowledge of Hindu festivals to link in with the global celebration of Diwali.
Music - In our music lessons we will be listening to different genres of music to help us consider the answer to the question, 'what stories does music tell us about the past?'
Art & Design and Technology - This term our focus will be within Design and Technology and our focus will be within structures through the use of geodesic structures. Throughout the term children will explore a range of skills - researching, evaluating, designing, communicating ideas before making their own bridges.
Spanish - In these lessons the children will further consolidate their basic knowledge of greetings in Spanish throughout the school day. This will then be extended upon with a focus on dates. Children will learn the months of the year through recall and through listening to different songs. Once children are secure with the dates, they will apply this knowledge to birthdays.