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Class Blog



Each week, usually on a Friday, you will find an update about our weeks learning and adventures! Within this class blog I will summarise what we have been up to in our lessons, inform you of any WOW moments from the week and also remind you of any useful information, whether this be homework or dates. This information will also be posted on dojo so if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via dojo or email.


Friday 13th January 2023:

Hi all,

Happy Friday and Happy New Year.

It has been lovely seeing the children this week and hearing all about the magic of Christmas and their adventures. It sounds like you all had a lovely, restful break!

As always, we were straight back to it! In English we have been looking at persuasive writing in the form of adverts. Today we created adverts for holiday destinations. Clearly there's a little bit of me left that doesn't want to let go of the holidays!! In Maths we have learnt the grid method and short multiplication (column method) to solve larger calculations for example 26 x 5. They have taken to this so well but any further practise at home would be great!

We have also been busy with Spanish, Tai-Chi, learning all about nutrients in Science, settlements and locating cities in Geography and have begun unpicking Textile and Embroidery styles in Art.

We have also discussed our assembly but lines will be coming out on Monday! We are keen to show you dance, singing, artwork, English work and lots more - so hopefully you can join us on Thursday 26th January to showcase our learning and knowledge.

Spelling booklets are stapled into their diaries. These can be found on the w/c 26th December. Homework this week is My Maths - a multiplication task.

Have a lovely weekend.


Thursday 22nd December 2022:

Happy holidays all 🌲 ⛄️ 🎅🏼

Wishing you all the very best Christmas with your loved ones and a very happy new year!

Thank you for all of the kindness we have received through presents, lovely cards and dojo messages. You really didn’t need to do any of this but they have been greatly appreciated. Thanks from of us all.

On behalf of myself, Mrs Henson and Ms Rawson, thank you for a wonderful autumn term. Your children have been an absolute joy to teach and I’m so glad we have two more terms together! Thanks also for your continued support - our job is made easier with wonderful parents like you!

Thinking ahead to next half term;
Monday 9th January - return to school.
PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday next half term. Tuesday is outdoor PE (netball) and Wednesday is indoor PE (Tai chi).
Website will be updated over the next few days with any useful information. But I will continue to post on here if any important notices need to be shared.

Have a lovely break 😊
Miss Bestwick
