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Autumn Term 1 Subjects & Blogspot

Autumn Term 1 Subjects

Watch this space for curriculum information and find below knowledge organisers to help your children with their learning.

In the first Autumn Term we will be learning:


English – sentence structure and types. We will be using video stimuluses as well as talk for writing to aid children's imagination. We will also develop our narrate writing using snippets of our class novels linked to historical periods.


Maths – Number and Place Value. We will be representing both 2 and 3-digit numbers using pictures and objects, and begin to partition numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones. As the term progresses, we will begin to explore numbers up to 1000, highlighting how to represent and identify these numbers, order numbers to 1000 and compare them using number lines. Once children are secure with the basics of number and place value we will begin to explore powerful methods to support addition and subtraction.


History - In History, we will be introducing our unit of learning around Ancient Egypt. We will be looking at what life was like during this historical period. 


Art - During our art lessons we will study the work of Vincent Van Gogh. We will explore his different painting styles and techniques and try to create our very own landscapes, linking this closely to Egyptian landscapes and portraits.


PSCHE & RSHE - This term will see us focus mostly in the health and relationships aspect of PSCHE, where we will be exploring emotions and providing strategies to cope with different emotions.


RE - In RE we will be thinking about what it means to be a Christian in Britain today by exploring a Christians rituals at home and comparing to non-Christians. We will explore their daily routines as well as their weekly regimes and compare to that of differing viewpoints.


Science - In Science we will be exploring forces and magnets so we can be prepared for lots of practical tasks! This is a firm favourite during the Autumn Term as the children love to get hands on and it helps form the basic understanding of investigations and experiments.


Spanish - In our new language lessons, we will be starting to introduce ourselves in Spanish and begin counting our first 15 numbers.
