Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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This half term is an exciting one! We will begin our World War 2 topic....we can't wait to get started. We will draw timelines to place events in time and look at the geography and countries that were involved, as well as investigate the triggers that led to Britain declaring war. We will also be using original documents to decide for ourselves what historical items can tell us about the past.


In English we will be writing our own biographies about Anne Frank, as well as reading other biographies about key figures. We will be writing news articles to show our understanding of events and we will read the fantastic book by Shirley Hughes called The Lion and the Unicorn. Our art will incorporate the propaganda posters of the time. In science we will be learning about animals including humans. In RE we will be considering the question, If God is everywhere, why go to worship? Finally, our PSHCE lessons will focus on differences and diversity. 


Our learning this term will be focussed on making sure we are secure with the year 4 objectives whilst ensuring we are ready for the year 5 curriculum. We will base our planning on what what knowledge needs building and consolidating. We will assess what your needs are, and build our planning around your requirements. smiley


Our PSHCE this term will be about health. We will be exploring metal, emotional and physical health. RE will be about why some people think God exists. In our science lessons we will be investigating forces.


We have lots of enrichment activities planned for the first week back as we begin our whole school 'REACH' week. 


Our PE slots for autumn 1 are on a Wednesday and Friday.
