Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Autumn 2

Welcome to our second half term! We will do doing lots of Flashback learning this half term to help consolidate knowledge and practise new skills. We will be beginning our knowledge block about volcanoes and we'll be linking our learning about the Romans with the eruption at Pompeii. We will be investigating the geographical features of volcanoes and the impact their eruptions have on human and physical geography.


In English lessons we will be completing some Flashback activities to help us get those basics right, whilst practising some more of those lovely year 5 skills for writing. We will be exploring and writing explanations texts. In mathematics, we will continue with exploring factors, primes and refining our multiplication and division skills.  Animals including humans will be the science focus, and exploring difference and diversity will be the area for discussion in PSHCE.


We will also be completing some insightful activities to compliment our whole school remembrance assembly. Let's get cracking!
