End of Year 6 photos

Welcome to Year 6
Hawksbill Turtle Class!
Hawksbill Class is a happy and hardworking place to learn with a super team composing of Mrs Kelly, Mrs Jepson and Mrs Read. Our midday supervisor is Mrs Moult. We are really excited about working with you all and making memories in what is your final year at primary school!

Hawksbill turtles are one of seven different species of sea turtle, but probably the most endangered! There are only 8,000 nesting females left globally. These animals live in subtropical environments and are the only known spongivorous reptile.
Apart from being unbelieveable cute, these ocean-dwellers are of great value to coral reefs. By eating their favourite foods: sponges, the turtles prevent sponges from over-taking coral reefs, so other creatures are able to live there and thrive.
Unfortunately, these reptiles are critically engangered due to many factors such as: ghost fishing; being hunted for food as well as their beautiful tortoiseshell; habitat destruction and plastic pollution to name but a few. We will find out all about these during our time together in the autumn term.
SATs Evening for Parents.
Meet the teacher presentation.
Important dates:
- Monday 15th April - Back to school
- Wednesday 17th April - Parents' Evening
- Wednesday 24th April - Expert Afternoon
- Monday 6th May - Off school for May Day Bank Holiday
- W/C 13th May - SATs Week
- Thursday 23rd May - Last Day of Summer 1
- Friday 24th May - Inset Day
Our learning:
- History Knowledge Block - The Industrial Revolution.
- RE - Is it better to express your religion in the arts and architecture or in charity and generosity?
- DT - Textiles unit - Slippers.
- PE - Indoor - Friday
Outdoor - Wednesday
- Science - Evolution and Inheritance.
- Spanish - Holidays and the seaside.
- Computing: Creating Media - 3D modelling.
- English - Our class novel is Street Child by Berlie Doherty. We will be honing our SPaG and comprehension skills before SATs week and then concentrating on writing linked to our knowledge block for this half term.
- Maths - Ratio and proportion, properties of shapes. Developing mental arithmetic and problem solving skills.
Medium Term Plans:
Knowledge Organisers:
These contain facts and information we will be covering in each of our subjects for this half term:
Homework is set weekly an maybe an online or paper activity.
Reading - We would like the children to read at least three times a week at home. Please record this in your child's planner. Children will be rewarded for three home reads each week. Planners need to be in school every day.
Spellings - Spellings will be set every Friday to be tested the following Friday. An activity will be sent home each week. There are also activites on SpellingShed. Spellings are listed below for this half term.
Multiplication tables - Vital! TT Rockstars.
Maths or English - A piece of work will be set each Friday to be returned the following Friday or before.
Friday 28th March
Easter Holiday Homework.
Homework for over Easter:
Spellings - Learn words from the Y5/6 spelling lists in your child's planners. Aim for words they are unsure of.
Maths - Learn any times tables that your children are unsure of.
CGP books - If you have purcahsed these, please encourage your child to complete as much as they can.
Please keep in touch:
- Keep a close eye on our class webpage for a wealth of information that is updated regularly.
- Link up to class dojo for up-to-date messages and announcements. You can contact me here too!
- My email: ekelly@dovedale.derbyshire.sch.uk