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Year 6: Mr McCarthy - Jaguars

Year 6 Photos

Cooking @ TLES

Welcome to Jaguar Class!


Welcome to Year 6 and Jaguar Class! Our teacher is Mr McCarthy and we are supported in the classroom by Mrs Read. Mrs Jepson will also be supporting our learning during some afternoons this year. Mrs Stevenson is lucky enough to be our Midday Supervisor. We are looking forward to this school year and are excited about all the new learning and progress your children will make.


This year all our classes across the school are named after endangered animals as chosen by the school council. The jaguar has been given the near threatened conservation status as numbers are declining across the globe. We will be learning much more about this during the year.




PE Days

Our Summer 2 PE days are on Wednesday and Friday. Children should wear PE kit on these days.



Important dates:


Important dates:


End of Year Concerts and BBQ

Weds 17th July in the afternoon and the evening
Thurs 18th July in the evening only
All are welcome to this - ticket details and timings to be released nearer the time.

Our Year 6 leavers' BBQ/disco will be on Monday 22nd July. Just the children.

Our Year 6 leavers' concert will be on Tuesday 23rd July to start at approximately 9:10 All welcome to this - no ticket required


Our learning:



  • Geography Knowledge Block - Local Area
  • RE - Is it better to express your religion in the arts and architecture or in charity and generosity?
  • DT - Textiles unit - Slippers.
  • PE - Indoor - Weds
  • Outdoor - Fri

  • Science - Evolution and Inheritance.
  • Spanish - Holidays and the seaside.
  • Computing: Creating Media - 3D modelling.
  • English - Writing
  • Maths - Theme Park Maths


Homework is set weekly and maybe an online or paper activity.


Reading - We would like the children to read at least three times a week at home. Please record this in your child's planner. Children will be rewarded for three home reads each week. Planners need to be in school every day.

Spellings - Spellings will be set every Friday to be tested the following Friday.  An activity will be sent home each week. There are also activites on SpellingShed. Spellings are listed below for this half term.

Multiplication tables  - Vital!  TT Rockstars.

Maths or English - A piece of work will be set each Friday to be returned the following Friday or before.



Friday 28th March

Easter Holiday Homework.


Homework for over Easter:


Spellings - Learn words from the Y5/6 spelling lists in your child's planners. Aim for words they are unsure of.

Maths - Learn any times tables that your children are unsure of.

CGP books - If you have purcahsed these, please encourage your child to complete as much as they can.



Friday 19th January 204

Maths - My Maths - percentages of amounts

Reading - Aim for three times a week at least please.

Spellings - Learn list for Friday




Friday 12th January 2024

Maths - TT Rockstars & times table practice.

Reading - Aim for three times a week at least please.

Spellings - Learn list for Friday and complete the wordsearch.

English - The children are bringing home a SPaG Mat, which they will need to write on and return to school by next Friday please.


8th December - Active and Passive Voice (dojo if you need the login)

Reading Three times please and get an adult to sign in your planners

Spellings - Week 6


24th November

Multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000 - The children are taught to do this using a place value grid. Saying those words to them should remind them of how they should be completed. Some children may be able to do them using a mental method, but should check using the place value grid.

Reading Three times please and get an adult to sign in your planners

Spellings - Week 4



10th November

My Maths - Comparing Fractions

Reading - Three times please and get an adult to sign in your planners.

Spellings - learn your spellings (Week 2).



Keep in Touch

  • Keep a close eye on our class webpage for a wealth of information that is updated regularly.
  • Link up to class dojo for up-to-date messages and announcements. You can contact me here too!
  • My email: