Pizza Making
Cromford Trip
Careers Fayre
Welcome to Gandhi Class!
A very warm welcome to our class page for Year 6! Mr McCarthy is our teacher and we are lucky enough to be joined in our class by our teaching assistant Mrs Jepson and our midday supervisor Mrs Moult. All 3 of us are really excited by the year ahead of us and what a big year it is. It may only seem like five minutes ago that your children were starting in Reception and now they have reached their last year of Primary School.
All our classes in school this year are named after historical characters and we will learn more about them when we start in September. I'm looking forward to seeing your summer homework pieces about Gandhi and using these as part of our learning soon!
Gandhi is a key historical figure and has helped to shape both British and Indian history. He stood up for what he believed in and challenged the viewpoints and ways of thinking of others. Gandhi used non violent methods of protest to get his viewpoints across. We'll look forward to learning more about him throughout the year!
Our PE days are:
Wednesday Afternoon
Thursday Afternoon
Important Dates
I will update this section of the website regularly, you'll also be informed of any up and coming important dates on our class dojo!
- Monday 7th June - Return to school
- Tuesday 13th & Thursday 15th June - Level 3 Bikeability for those children eligible
- W/C 19th June - National Sports Week
- Monday 19th June - Wednesday 21st June - Residential to Caythorpe PGL.
- Friday 23rd June - Inset Day.
- Monday 3rd July - Year 6 dress rehearsal - whole school performance
- Wednesday 5th July - Evening performance of 'Pirates of the Curry Bean'.
- Thursday 6th July - Afternoon and evening performances of 'Pirates of the Curry Bean'.
- Friday 7th July - Sports Afternoon.
- Monday 10th July - Dovedale's Got Talent.
- Wednesday 12th July - Meet the Teacher Drop in after school.
- Friday 14th July - Reports sent home.
- Wednesday 19th July - Drop in after school regarding the reports.
- Thursday 20th July - Whole school end of year celebration assembly.
- Thursday 20th July - Leavers Disco and BBQ (bring your water pistols!)
- Friday 21st July - Last Day of Year 6! Leavers assembly (am).
Meet the Teacher
English - Playscripts, formal writing, time lapse stories and persuasive texts.
Maths - Theme park project.
History - Industrial Revolution.
Science - Inheritance and evolution & Electricity.
Design & Technology - Cooking and nutrition & electric circuits.
Music - How does Music shape our lives?
RE - Is it better to express religion through art and architecture or charity and generosity?
Spanish - Holidays and the seaside.
Our PE days are:
Wednesday morning - Tai Chi
Thursday afternoon - Athletics
Autumn 1 Knowledge Organisers
Autumn 2 Knowledge Organisers
Spring 1 Knowledge Organisers
Spring 2 Knowledge Organisers
Summer 1 Knowledge Organisers
Summer 2 Knowledge Organisers
Homework is set weekly and may be an online or paper activity. It will be set on a Friday and due in the next week. This will be the same with spellings. Getting into the routine of doing homework regularly now will really help the children when they get much more homework at secondary school.
READING - We would like the children to read at least three times a week at home. Please record this in your child's planner. The planner should be in school every day.
SPELLINGS - Spellings will be set every Friday to be tested the following Friday. An activity will be sent home each week. There are also activites on SpellingShed. Spellings are listed below for this half term.
TIMES TABLES - vital! TT Rockstars.
MATHS OR ENGLISH - A piece of work will be set each Friday to be returned the following Friday or before.
We have now reached the end of the year 6 spelling lists! Well done for all your hard work over the year learning them!
- Keep a close eye on our class webpage for a wealth of information that is updated regularly.
- Link up to class dojo, for up-to-date messages and announcements. You can contact me here too!
- My email: