Hello and welcome to Dovedale Primary School.
This page is designed to keep you up to date with the latest news and information regarding your child and starting school,
I am Mrs Norton - the Early Years Lead. I will leave my email below. Please feel free to email if there are any urgent queries and I will respond within 2 working days. I work Monday to Thursday and am one of the class teachers for our two reception classes.
I am planning on visiting your child's nursery within the first week of June. We can then sort the children into the classes and send them out to you via email before the children start. This can only be done if you return the forms to school that have been sent to you - you should receive these within the next week, if you haven't already.
Please fill in all of the information as we will list which days nursery visits will occur once we know which nurseries the children attend.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Mrs Norton

Above from left to right....
Mrs Norton, Miss Martin and Miss Hutchinson - Ms Kittens arriving soon.
Thank you to those of you that came for the parents and phonics meetings. We know these can be difficult to arrange time to come to, however from hearing this first hand it hopefully helps to set your child off to a good start for September.
I have attached the powerpoints below for those of you that could not make it.
By the end of this week you should be emailed your child's class for September.
These are either...
Mrs Norton and Ms Keating (Kittens)
Miss Martin and Miss Hutchinson
On the visit on Tuesday you will come in via the gate to the right. The teachers will be stood on the grass with a sign. If you could help your child come to the correct class and line up and then we will walk them to the correct gate.
On collection if you wait on the playground for Miss Martin and Miss Hutchinson's class and on the grass where we collected them in the morning for Mrs Norton and Ms Kittens class.
We encourage you to leave your child. This increases their independence. We are well staffed and are used to children being upset. More often than no, they settle down and go on to play within a few minutes of their grown up leaving.
There will be a drinks available in our Hub room if you wish to stay and get to know some other parents which is being ran by the PTA.
Thank you
We look forward to meeting you all on Tuesday at 9:30am - 11:00am
I have been in contact with the child care providers that you have given us. Thank you for those of you that have returned the forms promptly to us.
Myself (Mrs Norton) and our SENDCo (Miss Martin) will be visiting on the following dates.
Tuesday 6th June
Alphabet House Station Road
Sawley Infants
St Laurence
Busy Bees Long Eaton
Wednesday 7th June
Bizzy Kidz
Children's 1st Derby Road
Children's 1st Main street
Friday 9th June
The Village Nursery Bramcote
If you have not yet returned forms please could you do this so we can try and arrange a visit.
Thank you
Here are some important dates of the next few months to help with your child's transition into school.
Tuesday 6th June - Parents Welcome meeting 4pm
Tuesday 20th June - Phonics meeting 5pm - Learn what phonics is and how we teach it.
Tuesday 27th June - Reception visit 1 - 9:30 - 11:00am
Tuesday 4th July - Reception visit 2 - 9:30 - 11:00am
Tuesday 11th July - Reception visit 3 - 9:30 - 11:00am
It is important that if your child can attend these visits that they can come to familiarise themselves with the environment.
These visits are for the children only.
Above is the link to our school menu examples. Please fill in the medical forms if your child has an allergy to specific foods so we can discuss with you alternatives and options for starting school.
Above are some links if you wish to have the logo on uniform - these are NOT compulsory. We will also have Clarks attend one of our parent's meetings prior to the school visits if you wish to book a time and date with them, although there are other places available for black school shoes.
Red jumper or cardigan
white polo t-shirt or shirt
black or grey trousers, skirts, pinafore
red gingham dress
white socks/grey tights/black tights
In Dovedale Primary School we follow the Read, Write, inc Phonics scheme. Above are the letters and pictures we use to help children to recognise the letters. We will hold a phonics evening prior to starting school to give more information on this.
Thrive is the nurture programme we run in school. Each year one of our thrive practitioners, Mrs Mather or Miss Martin deliver whole class sessions to each class. Some children also have weekly, one to one sessions or are invited to take part in small group activities.
In addition to this we run a six week, family thrive course. This is open to all adults related to children in school to help you have a better understanding of the Thrive approach and how you can incorporate this into family / home life.
Below is a link to a power point that we will talk about in more detail at the information evening in June. However, if, in the meantime you would like to find out more then please do feel free to contact Miss Martin via email on jmartin@dovedale.derbyshire.sch.uk
Thank you.