Happy Thursday all,
A great week here at school finished off with a very colourful Easter bonnet parade. It was great to see them all parading around outside of the classrooms even though it was a bit cold and windy. Great work all!
I know some pictures are going on our Twitter page so look out for these.
It has been a strange half term-half in-half out but we feel the children have generally coped well with all the changes and we are looking forward to starting the summer term altogether and getting on with our full, new curriculum.
We are hoping that the summer term will bring opportunities for getting together a little more and maybe even holding some events like sport's afternoon!
I know many of you have already signed up for parent's evening-if you are experiencing any trouble with booking your slot please contact your child's class teacher or the school office and we will support you with this.
Please make sure you have completed the RSE consultation questionnaire, the full parent's questionnaire will land after Easter.
We hope you all have a lovely, safe Easter and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 17th April.