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Safeguarding support

Good morning all,

As we head towards the Easter holidays I wanted to give a few pointers for keeping children and families safe.

It has been a difficult year for everyone and children may exhibit the stresses around this in different ways to adults.

We have found the majority of children have settled well back into the whole class routines however there have been some friendship disputes as a result of new groupings and some children finding the transition back to school routines a little tricky. We are also conscious that some children may be feeling more vulnerable or have created new online friendship groups which could of course put them at risk.

We are of course supporting all children with this in school but I thought you may also appreciate some links to support you and your families over the holidays.

There is also a national understanding that child exploitation in all its forms is on the rise. This can be online as much as face to face so we all need to be as well informed as possible.


The link below takes you to the NSPCC website support for parents. This has a range of information ranging from baby parenting tips to parenting and mental health.


Online safety

The Think u know link below is specifically aimed at giving parents safeguarding advice for children working and playing online. There are some useful videos to share. There are also some pages for children specifically which parents can go through with them.


The below link offers support and strategies for mental health and well being.


I hope you find these links helpful.

