Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Important online safety update

We have been informed of some very concerning content including images on an online chat forum on PS4 messenger used by some of our children. Some identified parents are aware, however we do not know all the children affected so would ask you to check this. If your child is using PS4 messenger we strongly recommend that you check their messages and delete them from any chats which include unknown gamers.

I request that all parents check their children's chats on a regular basis to monitor any inappropriate content.

Relevant steps have been taken by the school in response to this but it is only your vigilance in checking the children's online activity that will protect them from inappropriate and potentially harmful material.

I have attached a link below to support parents understanding of online chat so that you can monitor this behaviour. This link has lots of useful information and a short video.

