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Friday updates

Good afternoon all,


I hope all our families have had a good week. We have had a positive learning week this week in school with some good progress being made. Well done all!

At Dovedale we like to keep our children happy and mentally well so we have seen some tai chi and yoga classes over the last couple of weeks with the children really engaging with these experiences. We have also had cricket sessions in school alongside some fantastic science work. Never a dull moment! Don't forget to sign up to our Twitter page to some some examples of what the children have been up to.


On Wednesday we held our Summer 1 Governor's meeting. We are fortunate to have a well informed and supportive team of Governors at Dovedale, supporting our decision making and helping to guide our next steps. Several policies were reviewed, the school budget interrogated and safeguarding actions reviewed amongst other important topics. If you want to find out a little bit more about our Governors check out the Governor's tab on the website.


In response to the restrictions our children are working under we have teamed up our year groups e.g. year 1 with year 5 to give our older children the chance to be role models even though we are restricted to bubbles. This also gives our younger children the chance to write for a purpose. The children are really enjoying the experience of communicating with children who they are only getting to see at a distance.


Next week we will see the start of the installation of our new trim trail. The old one will be removed and replaced with a shiny new one-hopefully all completed by Friday. A massive thanks to our PTA for funding this and for continuing to support the school even though it has been a difficult year for fundraising.


I am sure you are very aware of the outbreak at Wilsthorpe school and how this may progress. I was aware last week that some members of our community were not adhering to the rules as strictly as we would hope. As we have tried so hard I must ask that everyone plays their part in trying to keep our bubbles open and keep everyone safe. It is very clear we are not out of the woods yet - I have heard of some primary classes being closed today in our local area, something which we are desperate to avoid. We do however have several children having tests as per the Wilsthorpe advice for non symptomatic family members to be tested so this may mean that we receive notification of a positive over the next couple of days. I sincerely hope not but I will inform parents of any developments.


I do hope that you all have a lovely weekend and stay safe!

