Happy Friday all,
What another busy week!
Yesterday we had a fabulous World book day! The children dressed up or down, shared stories and visited the book fair. A big thank you to Miss Barrett for organising this.
Alongside this we had visitors in school who couldn't compliment the behaviour of our children enough. They said they were so polite and well mannered and particularly mentioned the behaviour at lunchtime and the playground buddies and play leaders who help to support the younger children and play games with them. All of this in a day when everything was a little more exciting than usual. Well done children!
I am hoping that you have seen the letter sent out by Miss Martin regarding the coffee afternoon for SEND parents. This could be parents of children who have a diagnosis, are awaiting a diagnosis or just starting their SEND journey. We hope that these sessions will offer more general support and some advice and sharing of ideas.
Another source of general information for SEND parents can be found in the link below.
A reminder that lots of information about keeping children safe online can be found on this website under Information -safeguarding tab. links to sites such as think you know, the Nspcc online help website and advice on filtering information can all be found here. The children have weekly assemblies starting in EYFS and it is important that we get the message of being safe online instilled as early as possible in this digital world.
Next week is British Science week and Mrs Ganguly has organised a whole raft of exciting activities to engage the children including live animal workshops and the time for science workshops.
I have attached a leaflet below about Mother's day.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.