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Friday update

Happy Friday everyone,


I hope you are all keeping well.


It has been a very positive return to the 2nd half term here at Dovedale. The children have come back positively and ready to learn and the staff are keen to get on with the new curriculum.


We have some activities planned over the next few weeks to engage the children in their wider learning. Next week we will be focusing on Remembrance -you may notice a display popping up over the weekend and there will be a video shared of children's work on this very important theme.

We are also celebrating Diwali and participating in Anti bullying week so we are looking forward to these wider themes.


Starting next week we will be conducting parent's updates by phone calls. This is obviously not ideal but will allow your child's class teacher to update you on your child's progress. Please be mindful that the teachers will be on the phone all day on their allocated day during the set times. The scheduling of these has meant that they have very little space between each call and so will need to end the calls promptly to move to their next call. If further time is required then this can be arranged separately with the class teacher. Thank you for your understanding with this.


We know there have been some people isolating this week and you are all in our thoughts and we hope you stay well. Remember we are  here for anyone who may need a little support at this time so please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to help.


Next week it is Children in Need and it's fancy dress Friday.


Lastly, a big congratulations to Mr McCarthy who has become a father to baby Grace. We wish him and the family all the very best.


I wish you all a very lovely weekend. 

