Happy Friday all,
The last few weeks here in school have been very busy with the Coronation celebrations, class assemblies and SATS.
A huge well done to our year 6s who sat their standardised tests and showed resilience and positivity. The croissant breakfasts seemed to work wonders and they all did their very best. We know there has been a lot of news around how difficult/confusing some of the papers were, but we felt the children used their coping strategies well to enable them to get through without too much stress.
On Friday 12th we had a visit in assembly from PCSO Danielle Bryant who is our local police liaison officer. She spoke to the children about a variety of road safety topics.
On this topic I must again point out that there have been some dangerously parked cars at drop off. I am looking at the possibility of a crossing patrol but really feel that parents need to play their part in keeping our children safe.
We have a parent Governor vacancy and applications close on Thursday 25th May. All details are on the Governor page on this website. the box for applications is in the school corridor.
The PTA are organising our Carnival entry for this year on the 17th June. We didn't participate last year so would love as many children and parents as possible to take part this year. The theme is nature and the PTA will be getting details out to you soon. The event is always a lovely celebration as well as a great showcase for the school.
Next week the school council have organised an animal day to raise funds towards their library plans. Children can dress as an animal on Thursday 25th for a £1 donation.
Don't forget Friday 26th is an INSET day. School will be closed for children on this day.