Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Friday update

Happy Friday all!

As we reach the end of the first Spring term we certainly have lots to celebrate. 

Firstly the KS1 performance this week which has been amazing. The children's acting, singing and speaking all shone through as well as their behaviours. Well done to all of them. Also a huge thank you to the adults who have worked hard to support the children and make this happen. Next term will be the lower KS2 performance which we are sure will be just as great.

We must also congratulate all the children on their behaviours during our OFSTED visit. The 2 days were quite disrupted as we had 4 inspectors around school, teachers were out of class and usual routines were a little upended. The children however took this all in their stride and showed their Dovedale values. They also came out with some wonderful quotes about their school. I have included a few below:


  • Teachers care for us and solve any issues
  • Everyone should be treated equally
  • School is my happy place
  • We are upstanders not bystanders
  • Everyone has a talent and this school will help you find it.

I'm sure you agree that these are lovely things that the children feel about themselves and their school.


Can I ask parents to remind their children not to ride bikes or scooters on school grounds and wheel out of the gates before getting on and setting off. Some children are racing across the paths and grass and I fear this is an accident in the making. We have spoken in school too.


This week we said goodbye to Mrs Halford who has retired. She will be greatly missed for everything she has done for all the children at Dovedale and her support as a friend and colleague . She will be popping in though and will also be covering in WRAP club sometimes so we will be able to keep up with all her adventures. We wish her the very best.


Thinking of Wrap club please contact Berny if you need a space at club over Easter or summer half term. They fill up quickly so be sure to secure a place early if you need one.


Don't forget we have an INSET day on the Monday after half term, staff will be in but children are not.


I hope you all have a lovely half term. Emergency contact is the head teacher email as usual, staff will have their dojos turned off.

