Happy Friday all,
The first 2 weeks back have been very productive and the children have returned ready to learn!
We continue to have very few new covid cases in school and are grateful for the support we are having from parents. Please continue to lateral flow your children and watch out for those symptoms.
INSET days and Jubilee day
The INSET days for 2022 2023 are now on the calendar. A reminder from my update last July that schools were instructed by the DFE to take the jubilee day as a public holiday. As the given date falls inside the school half term schools were instructed to take the public holiday outside of this. We therefore attached it to half term so school will be closed on 6th June. WRAP around club will take the public holidays on the Thursday and Friday the same as everyone else so that WRAP club will be open for children on the 6th. If you wish your child to attend WRAP please contact Michelle directly- details on the website.
If you had a new phone number over Christmas don't forget to update the office.
EYFS equipment install
We have new equipment being installed in the EYFS play space. This is due to start on Wednesday 26th and will cause some disruption to the path way. The company have postponed this work already form the start of term but Mrs Norton will keep you informed once they are on site.
Roof works.
We are finally getting our new roof completed. Work will start over the half term. This will cause some disruption in the front car park and to the side gate entrance due to scaffolding. We will inform parents and children of the alternative routes into school where necessary. Classes will continue as normal.
Smart watches
We have requested that smart watches are not worn in class as they are causing a distraction as they can perform other applications other than telling the time. Teachers cannot be responsible for looking after these items so they are best left at home.
Mental health week
We are participating in Children's mental health week on the week commencing the 7th February. Mrs Tomlinson, our mental health lead will post details of our activities under the parent's tab on the website-mental health and well being.
Online safety
I have put a leaflet supporting parents in understanding online sexual harassment under the key info tab-safeguarding. This is a useful document to help parents understand some of the issues and how to address them.
Poppy appeal
We have been thanked for our support of the poppy appeal last November. As a school community we managed to raise £879.23 for this worthy cause.
Have a lovely weekend.