Happy Friday everyone!
A great week here at Dovedale Primary school yet again.
We are well on the way with our new curriculum and the children seem to be really enjoying their new knowledge blocks.
This week we have celebrated Remembrance-hop over to our Twitter page (click on the bird link at bottom of website homepage) to see the beautiful montage compiled by Miss Bestwick of all the lovely things the children have been doing.
Next week we shall be looking at Diwali and road safety in our assemblies.
Today we celebrated children in need, showing Dovedale respect for those who may need our support.
To make you aware, guidance on attendance published this week has stated that all children must continue to be in school and cannot be kept at home by parents unless they are ill or isolating due to a family member getting a test or testing positive. I will therefore be sending out attendance letters where attendance falls below the expected % as usual. Our attendance at Dovedale is usually very high-above national -and we will work with individual families to support them in getting their children in school. Days off school + lost learning and as there have been ( and may be) days when this is beyond our control we need to have the children in as much as possible if they are fit and well.
We thank you for your continued support in keeping our community safe and I hope you all have a lovely weekend!