Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Friday check in

Good afternoon all,

I hope you are all well.


I realise that many of you will have heard Boris Johnson's announcement that schools will remain closed till at least the 8th March. Although this is  frustrating, as we are starting to see a little downward movement in National cases I guess it would be foolhardy to wish to open any sooner.


We are seeing cases in some bubbles in school, amongst children not staff and all our lateral flow tests for all our 60 staff were negative this week so that is reassuring. We do however continue to close bubbles for positive child cases and will monitor the lateral flow tests throughout the week.


Miss Martin has placed more THRIVE support materials under the Parent's tab in the THRIVE section. These activities are designed to support children and parents emotionally and with how this may exhibit behaviourally. As we know this is a time of emotional turmoil you may find these activities useful even if your child does not usually attend our THRIVE sessions.


Don't forget to get your children to watch the weekly assemblies in the offsite learning section. I have also placed one on the Mrs Houseman's updates specifically for our offsite children who we are all missing and thinking about daily.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend, keep safe and take care.


