Happy Friday everyone!
A busy week here in school with all systems working well, although we are continuously reviewing our practices to ensure we keep up to date with the guidance and keep everyone safe whilst getting on with the education of our children.
Corona virus
We realise that there are going to be lots of illnesses over the coming months so do check out the updates under the parent's tab to support you with decisions. Thank you to all the parents (and staff) who have sensibly followed the guidance this week, we realise there will be lots of negative tests and lots of frustration trying to get one if needs be, but know this is one way we can attempt to prevent any spreading of the virus. We are trying to be as practical as possible but obviously can't diagnose individual cases.
If you or your child is requested to get a test please dojo the results to the class teacher or call the office. It is extremely important that we are informed immediately of any positive tests.
Healthy choices
A reminder that food in pack ups should be healthy options- not sweets, although a chocolate biscuit treat is fine. A sandwich or healthy similar substitute, cheese and fruit are all good options. Too many sugary items cause a slump in the afternoon, are bad for little teeth and have very little benefit for little people's growing bodies and minds. (I know we all need a treat sometimes!).
The baseline assessments have all been completed and you will receive an update on this from your child's class teacher. We will then teach to the gaps over the following term. Further catch up will be delivered in the Christmas term for any children who teachers determine still need a 'covid catch up'.
Online safety
I would remind all parents of the importance of checking out the followers on their child's Tik Tok and Instagram accounts on a regular basis. If there are any followers who you would question the reason as to their being there delete them. For example: non family/friends adults. If any parents do find questionable followers, I am happy to talk this through with them.
Keep keeping on
Thank you to our parents for continuing to distance, if parents feel they would like to wear masks on the playground of course they may do so but this is not guidance for the schools at the moment. I am sure you are all also aware of the need to follow the guidance out there in the community with regards to socialising and distancing. Although this is not directly a school matter, obviously children / adults mixing out of school could have a knock on effect if a positive case were to occur resulting in more bubbles having to shut down.
Next week I will post our REACH assembly on the blog on the website for parent's to view on Friday.
I hope you all have a lovely sunny weekend.