Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School Dovedale Primary School

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Extreme Heat

Good afternoon,


I know there are some concerns re the extreme heat forecast Monday and Tuesday which seems to be rising hourly!


As a school we will remain open for children. Children may come in PE kits if these are cooler than there uniform option ( some dresses are probably cooler.)


We will do all we can to keep the children cool but will struggle in some rooms so children may be moved to other spaces throughout the day to try to keep them as cool as possible.


Please ensure they have a water bottle and hat and sun cream ( we will however be reducing any time outside to a minimum.)


If any parent wishes to keep their child at home please dojo the class teacher with 'extreme heat' as the reason. Other absences must be recorded via the school office in the usual way.


Thank you


Sarah Houseman
