Good morning,
In light of the latest update ( we apologise for the barrage of information but we are attempting to keep on top of the frequent changes!) We are amending our advice.
Following the announcement yesterday evening:
If anyone in a household is displaying symptoms, then no one from that household should attend school for 14 days. If a child develops symptoms they should stay away from school for 7 days from the onset of symptoms, even if this exceeds the original 14 days of family isolation. Children without symptoms can return to school after 14 days from the first family symptom.
If you or your child has displayed symptoms we ask that you inform school and self isolate the family. We are very aware that this poses a huge strain on family, work and school life but it is intended to protect the wider community and control the spread of the virus.
The children have all been fabulous at handwashing, cough and sneeze hygiene and thinking of ways to 'touch less' during the day. We are working hard to reduce the spread of any germs during the school day and to ensure children are calm but well informed.
If your child has been off school or sent home for any coronavirus symptom, please now extend this period of absence to 14 days and include all siblings. Some symptoms can be mild or short-lived in children, but the period of isolation has been set as 14 days from the onset of first family symptoms and we would appreciate support in sticking to this rule.
We will organise some suggestions for work and activities for children to complete during isolation if they are well enough and the family is able to facilitate.
I hope that we can all treat all members of our school community with respect and care and not jump to assumptions over information shared on social media or other platforms. We are all working hard to keep everyone safe and we would hope for our children that in times of crisis such as these that we can demonstrate kindness and consideration.
Information for vulnerable groups