I wished to give parents some details about the school's response to the current situation and will use this space to keep you updated. We do not wish to scare our children but are taking steps to ensure that the risks are minimised.
We are as a school following all guidance given to us by both Derbyshire County Council and nationally.
Children have had a lesson on 'keeping germs at bay' in the current situation and children are having hand washing 'lessons'. We are also encouraging children to wash their hands more frequently throughout the school day and supervising children washing their hands at lunch times.
The cleaning staff are continuing their usual cleaning routine and the site manager is making sure any specific contact areas are thoroughly addressed - for example door handles.
All classes have tissues and children are encouraged to use these and all classes have disinfectant wipes for use throughout the day.
As previously stated we would request that parents inform us if they have travelled abroad or come in to contact with anyone who has travelled abroad.
I have also taken the decision this afternoon to cancel all whole school assemblies for the time being.
If there is any further guidance or necessary next steps I will keep you informed.
Please use this link for general information and guidance.