Good morning all,
Just thought I'd do a general check in as I know that as time is going by more questions are being raised than answered as to how long we may be off school, out of work etc.
Thinking of the children whenever we return to school they will need a period of settling-especially if this isn't till September ( I certainly hope it isn't that long!).
In this scenario however we will ensure that the children have some closure time with their current class teacher and move on to their new class teacher to allow for some closure.
I am also very aware of the lack of closure that the year 6s might have in this case and we will definitely have an 'end of year' party/ disco for them once all is back to normal.
On another note there has been a fair amount of news about the rise of domestic violence occurrences in this very difficult time. If any of our parents have any concerns or worries please contact us and we will do everything we can to support you. Remember no-one can guess how people will behave in these uncertain times and we hope you know that we are in no way judgemental and are here to support you. Either email: or call the school office.
Take care everyone!